The Brother

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"Ah, Good work everyone"

Jude appreciated his team for the efforts they had put in for that craniotomy.

He looked at the patient.

A 25 year old boy. Young, high on life and full of energy.

A friday night, too much energy, a brand new bike but no helmet. Boom!

Just like that,his life was stolen from him.

Though they had operated on him, they will have to wait and see how he will survive hereafter.

Complications could range from nothing to memory loss and Jude genuinely wished the best.

"Good work Doctor."
Nurse Neena tapped his shoulder.

Jude smiled and removed his apron and gloves.

He completed patient's case sheet, guided his junior doctors regarding post operative care and went back to his cabin.

Its been a long day. He checked the time.

Ah! Its midnight!

But he was not surprised. This happened all the time. He comes in early and sometimes, does not get to go home at all.

Suddenly, his phone rang.

Another emergency call is the last thing he would want now.


Thats unusual.

"Hello, dad? What happened? Are you at home?"

"I could not go home today. There was a surgery that went long. Can you come to my cabin for a second?"


On his way to Albert's cabin, he spotted a familiar face who has become a stranger now.

Mira, she ignored him and walked away. She had tears in her eyes and there was a girl with her.

They were holding hands. He had never seen that girl before. Must be a new friend.

Jude was worried if every thing was okay. Her tears bothered him more than her ignoring.

"May I come in?"
Jude knocked and Albert said him to come in.

"What happened? Why were you not going home? All ok? Dad.." Jude observed for a minute and said

"You look pale,dad"

"Sit down, my son"

Jude was surprised and worried with Albert's face and the way he was talking. There was definetly something bothering him.

"You are scaring me, dad"

Albert pulled a chair and sat in front of Jude. He grabbed his hands and looked at his eyes.

"Jude, listen to what I am going to say very carefully and with an open heart."

"Argghh! Can you please say whatever it is? You are stressing me now"

Albert sighed and replied.

"You have to break up with Mira"

Though he himself had gone through the thought of ending their relationship, he simply could not.

The laughter, the moments they shared, the late night study sessions which ended in them embracing each other, being there for each other to console by the end of the day, there were too many warm memories that he held onto.

She is his future!

Now, to hear it directly from Albert, Jude wondered what would have made him say so.

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