Chapter 7

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"Hey El!" Dylan smiled as she walked into the school. Dylan waiting by the gate for her.

"Hi Dyl." Ellie smiled back

"Have a good day El." Brooke tells her kissing her head.

"See you mum." She waves

"How's your arm?" Asked Dylan

"It's alright." Ellie said showing him her purple cast.

"That's cool." Dylan said "not that you broke your arm, but you get a cool cast."

"Jamie wrote his name on there." Ellie adds

"Can I?" Asked Dylan

"Sure." Ellie agrees


"Brooke I... I'm so sorry. I left my cellphone at home." Lucas apologised as he and Ellie walked into the waiting room.

"How's she doing?" Asked Ellie hugging her mum.

"I don't know. They... They said it was gonna take a while and that they'd let me know as soon as she was out of surgery." Brooke told them

"Okay, well, then, uh... I'll just wait here with you if that's okay." Lucas asked

"Yeah, thanks. I'd like that... Considering Peyton has to go." Brooke answers

"Brooke, I..." Peyton tried

"P. Sawyer, I love you, but I know your day's insane, and... I will feel better if at least one of us getting something done besides waiting, so... Please? For me." Brooke asked

"All right, you call me first thing." Peyton told her

"I will." Brooke reassured as they hugged "Thank you."

"Bye, Peyton." Lucas muttered

"Bye, Luke." Peyton says "see you El." Peyton leaves and Brooke, Lucas and Ellie all sit down together.


"I never told her I love her. I just... I never said it." Brooke said emotionally

"Look, I'm sure when Angie's in your arms, she knows it. Most of time, love doesn't really need words, you know?" Lucas reassures

"I know you love me." Ellie tells them both

"Yeah." Brooke smiles

"So, um, what's going on with you and Owen?" Lucas asked

"Nothing, apparently." She sighed "What's going on with you and Lindsey?"

"Nothing, apparently." Lucas replied "I don't know. We... haven't spoken for over a week. She hasn't returned my calls."

"That sucks, Luke. I'm sorry. You should get out of here." Brooke added "You've got that game tonight."

"I'm okay for a little while longer." Lucas tells her

"How about you take El for a walk, let her use up some energy."

"I'll go get us some coffees." Lucas said standing up, Ellie following.

"She'll be in touch." Brooke calls causing Lucas to pause. "Lindsey. I wouldn't read too much into it."

"Yeah." Lucas sighed "I'm okay for a little while longer."


"Brooke?" Lucas questioned worried, as he and Ellie came back to a crying Brooke who was talking to Dr Copeland.

"She's gonna be okay." Brooke tells them. Lucas and Ellie both give Brooke a hug

"Dr. Copeland..." Brooke calls as he starts to leave "Thank you for fixing her."

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