Chapter 8

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"I cannot do this right now. Because I am waiting on another call. That's is none of your business. As a matter of fact, none of my actual business is any of your business because I fired you. No, you were my mother. I fired you from that job, too." Brooke yelled into the phone clearly frustrated, as the door bell rings.

"Look, I have to go. Someone is at the door. And don't bother calling me back. Just talk to my lawyer. I have nothing left to say to you." Brooke says walking to the door, hanging up.

"bitch." Brooke mutters, as Ellie pulls the door open revealing Victoria.

"Oh." Ellie muttered

"Well, I have a few things to say to you." Victoria says walking in.

"Unbelievable!" Brooke mutters

"I can't understand why you've become such a hurtful, spiteful little snot to me." Victoria tells Brooke "But it is what it is. I can take it. Our company, however, cannot."

"Our company?" questioned Brooke "I'm sorry, I believe it's my company, because you were fired, and I do not recall inviting you in, you botoxed vampiress."

"You see? This is what I'm talking about. You're such a child, and a fairly stupid one at that." Victoria says "It doesn't matter that you fired me. I'm your legal partner, missy."

"It's my company. I'm the designer." Brooke replies

"No, it's our company 50-50. At least it is for now." Victoria mutters

"And what is that supposed to mean?" questioned Brooke

"Designers come and go." Victoria replied "It's the brand that matters, and I grow the brand. And the board knows that, and they can fire you."

"So, what?" asked Brooke

"You're gonna have a magazine called "B. Davis" without B. Davis?" asked Ellie curiously

"Paul Frank doesn't work for Paul Frank." she replies "Happens all the time."

"Really? And what are you gonna sell, mother? Magic beans? Without my designs, you have nothing. I know it. You know it. And as soon as the board sees my unbelievable new line, they'll know it. And you'll be the one who's out on her nip-and-tucked ass." Brooke angrily tells her.

"We'll see about that." Victoria says

"Get out of my house." Brooke tells her

"I hope this new line is by far the best work you've ever done, or it's "goodbye, company, hello, community college." If you can get in." Victoria states before leaving

"God, she can be a bitch sometimes." Ellie deadpanned, earning a glare from Brooke.


Millicent is looking over Brookes sketches when Brooke and Ellie walk in from the back.

"Hi." Millie smiled

"You're fired." Brooke told her

"What?" questioned Millicent

"You're fired." Brooke repeated "Now go to Omaha."

"Brooke..." Millie tried

"Let me tell you something about love, Millicent Huxtable. It does not knock often. And when it does, you have to let it in." Brooke told her "You are a wonderful friend. And you're smart and you're beautiful and it is gonna suck to lose you, but there is a boy out there who loves you. And I know that you love him back. So, now you have to get your wacky ass out of my store."

"But..." Millicent tried beginning to cry

"I'm gonna be fine. Okay?" Brooke reassured her crying to

"If you need anything..." Millie began

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