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HR awakes suddenly. She sits up in bed, heart pounding, breathless.

Gwi? Are you there?

HR throws off the covers, doesn't even bother lighting a candle but rushes to the door in the dark, looking down the corridor.

(on the edge of tears)
I heard him. I know I heard him. It was so clear.


She rushes back into her room for a candle and starts wandering the corridors, calling his name. This carries on for some time. MS eventually awakes from the noise and comes out to find her.

My lady, what's happened? Is he here?

HR's candle shows her tear-stained face.

Kim Mi-sook, I heard his voice. I was lying in bed and I heard him call my name. But he's not here. I can't find him. I've had similar things happen before but it never sounded so near. How could I hear him when he's not here?

Oh miss, I know exactly what you mean. I've had the same experience many times. Let's go back to your room for now. If the master were here, he wouldn't hide from you.

MS takes HR by the arm and leads her back to her room. Upon entering the room-


When did you have the same experience?

HR sets her candle down and goes to sit on her mattress. MS sets her candle down as well and sits beside HR on the floor.

After I lost my daughter I heard her call to me many times, usually when I was asleep. There were other times during the day too. Maybe the worst was in the market, when I sometimes actually did hear a voice, but it was another child calling out for some other mother. That was very painful.

How did you manage without her?

MS brushes the hair back from HR's face with her hand while she answers.

I tried to keep going for her sake. But really, I felt like someone had just ripped my heart out and run away with it. I would scream, and cry, and pray. And then I would do all the things you have to do to go on living, all the while feeling guilty for living. That was a worthless thought – as if your loved one would ever want you to wither away and die – but I still had it.

Eventually my choice seemed to be living here or dying, so I chose living here. In a way, I cut myself off from ever finding her by doing that, but my hope was always that if she knew, she would understand.

The pain has faded and I don't hear her call to me anymore. But I still like to think that's she's out there somewhere and happy.

I'm so sorry.

Thank you, my lady. It's because I have some idea what you're going through that my heart goes out to you so. I don't want to see you give up or lose hope, but I know that sometimes it feels like you're drowning with no way out. And other times it just feels normal. Still, I have complete confidence that His Majesty will do just as he said and come back to you. And how happy we'll all be then.

(taking MS's hand)
Thank you, Kim Mi-sook. I am sorry for waking you. Please do sleep well. I will pray for both of our loved ones.

(squeezes her hand)
Thank you, my lady. I will too. Goodnight.

Gwi Owns the Night, Part 2Where stories live. Discover now