Chapter 46

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Aria's POV

My lungs inflate and deflate as I stare at the diagram I've constructed on my desk of the surrounding area. I have been running through various scenarios for ages. Using random objects as markers, I have been trying different configurations of actions to try to see what would work. They couldn't have gotten far after they attacked us considering they were escaping with a large sum of people who had their powers drained, but we still haven't been able to mobilize our army to search for them.

I came back to a disaster when I returned from the castle that day. After feigning sobs and undergoing several long interviews with guards, other authorities, and the king himself over the "kidnapping" of Princess Seiliel by the Master of Earth, I was ready to relax and take the panic in Cole's eyes as a small victory. That was until I came back and saw the chaos.

On my path back, dozens of soldiers lay on the ground either soaked to the bone or twitching. They were out cold. Even a tap with my foot couldn't wake them up. I rushed to where there was the most disarray. Members of my elemental army were scattered about, clutching their sides as Talon ran around trying to heal everyone. Chairs and furniture were strewn all over the place, some of them seared and others busted to pieces.

Needless to say I could guess what had occurred. Not only had they come in to save that bitch's friends, but they also took Skylor, my leverage. I have no doubt that they were able to disconnect her from Neuro's hold by now, so now they have another elemental ally.

I knew that we had to hit them while they were down and regaining strength, but my army was ill prepared to face them again. Their confidence was absolutely shattered. Their size advantage was extraordinary yet they still buckled under Lloyd and Kai's power while Jay and that slut got through fairly undetected and stole the hostages. They have been training non stop to get stronger, but as it stands, what we really need is the blood of Princess Seliel. With that, we can possess the power of earth, and I can try to pick the elemental masters of creation off one by one. We just need to separate them. It was always my objective, and while that whore disrupted that, I believe I can do it again.

But in order to do that, we must know where they are hiding which brings me back to the struggle at hand. The training, albeit important, must be halted so that we can discern their location.

"Master," Amara, the Master of Teleportation, suddenly appears within my office, her arms glued to her sides.

I startle in my seat, nearly falling backwards. "What have I told you about doing that? Teleport outside of my door and then knock," I pinch the bridge of my nose.

"I apologize, Master, but the Master of Lightning is here. He has Princess Seliel in chains as well as a bouquet of flowers," she bows as my pen slips out of hand and clatters on my desk. "We quickly surveyed the surrounding area, and he seems to be alone. When we asked him about his intentions, he just told us that you would understand. We are ready to ambush him on your command."

Jay. Jay is here. To see me.

I had figured they would reemerge sooner than later, but not like this. I was wrong.

Because my soulmate is here. With flowers. It has been centuries since I have seen the mouth and ears and nose and cheeks and eyes and shoulders and body and mind that I am devoted to. It is all rightfully mine. He is rightfully mine. I'm his soulmate, and he is here.

However, this is why my chest contracts. I know him, and it is very unlikely for him to come here alone when he certainly views me as the enemy. Cole definitely spread more lies about me, and since Jay trusts him, he eats them up. This is a trap, but I still can't help the heat the envelopes every inch of me.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2023 ⏰

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