Chapter 36

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Skylor's POV

As I slowly wake up, I notice how heavy my body feels. All of my muscles ache with an intensity that I didn't even know was possible. Additionally, it feels like there's something missing, like something that usually stirs in my chest isn't here.

However, there's also a familiar warmth that engulfs me and sends all of my other worries to the back of my mind. It's like a fire on a cold night that's protecting me and keeping me calm.

When my eyes flutter open, I'm met with an unfamiliar white ceiling as opposed to the cave that I've become accustomed to. I try to get out of bed, but once I sit up through the pain, my movement is restrained. My eyes dart down to the shackles locked around my wrists that are connected to the bed that I'm lying on. My chest seizes as I realize that's what was missing, my powers. These chains must be made of vengestone.

That's when I see him, the heartbreakingly handsome man that has been unrelentingly populating my dreams since the last time I saw him. He's reclining back in a chair at the opposite side of my room, staring at this little metal brick in his hand. His hair, although it looks a bit wet, is styled how I've always seen it. On top of it all, he's only wearing some loose, black pants that hang low on his hips, putting himself on display in a way that locks up my entire body.

Even though I hate myself for it, I can't help but just stare and admire him. From his defined collarbones to his exquisitely contoured arms to his abs that rise and fall at flawless intervals, he holds every bit of my attention and makes my insides scream in the best way. That's not even including his face which is something that I couldn't even dream up if I wanted to. His tattoo, the lion sprawled across his built chest, ignites a fire deep down inside my gut that makes me giddy against my will.

If I was weaker, I would have already fallen back into his trap again. His smile, his charisma, all of it, they're all tools to regain my trust, and that can't happen. I need to avenge my sister, and I won't let a man, no matter how attractive he is, change that.

"What did you do to me?" I glare at him, pulling against the chains.

His hazel eyes dart up at me, and he gives me a little smile. "You're up."

"Answer my question," I grit out with a clenched jaw.

"We brought you back with us after the battle. You were knocked out by the giant fire snake. Sorry for that," he sets the metal object down on the side table next to him and sits up straighter.

Squinting my eyes, I try to think back on the last thing I remember. Master had gone out to "get the last piece", and a few hours later, we heard screams, grunts, and crashes. When we rushed over to see what was happening, we found the masters of fire and energy tearing through the place.

We should have taken them on differently because they clearly had an ulterior motive. All of us went to them, but there's no way that the masters of water, lightning, and ice weren't all there too. Our strategy clearly failed anyways since the master of fire is sitting in front of me unscathed while I wince whenever I move.

It's because they were hiding out in a shield that the master of energy made. The two of them were in there while they let that fire snake run rampant. I don't know how it knocked me out, but it apparently did.

"I'm a hostage?" I glare at him, putting a little frown on his face.

"No, you're not a hostage," he grabs a cup that's practically erupting steam and takes a sip. "We didn't take you to make a deal. I'd rather shave off all of my hair than see you in the hands of those monsters ever again."

Having heard how much he infamously cares for his hair, the comment catches my attention. "Then why am I here?"

"We're going to get your memory back," his fingers tap on the side of his cup. "Then, the eight of us will be reunited just like the good times, and you can finally have a conversation with my sister now that she's not in diapers, and..."

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