Chapter 15

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Nya's POV

"Nya, is it really you?" his voice is soft, a jumble of emotions emphasized through his tone. My shoulder screams as his misty eyes stare into mine. My chest is closing in on itself, my throat tightening by the second, just seeing him.

Part of me wanted to believe it wasn't him and that there was somehow a mistake. If the master of lightning was someone else, it would mean he didn't leave me. Seeing him, it's like I'm being lifted up and beat down at the same time. It's proof that he is still alive, but it's also proof that he abandoned me.

"H-how could you?" I supersede his question with my own. Rage flares up inside of me. He was living here in such comfort while I was out in the world, struggling, "You left me to fend for myself. You convinced me you died. You forged your own death letter! Who the hell does that?" I lash out.

"Nya..." he takes a step forward as a tear falls down his cheek, but I just take a step back.

"I suffered for years thinking I failed you, thinking that if I did something different, you wouldn't have died! But I guess you didn't," I bitterly laugh, shaking my head as tears leak out of the corners of my eyes. "Why did you do it? Was it just a game to you, making me fall for you just to drop out at the last minute? You could have just broken my heart by telling me instead of making me grieve for centuries! I know that you're one of the most powerful people to ever exist, but that doesn't give you the excuse to be a fucking dick!" my rage radiates from me. I let out the thoughts that have been tearing up at me ever since I learned the truth. It blinds me.

My chest heaves, and once I start to come down from my cathartic release, I take in the look on his face. Tears are pouring out of his eyes, his face red and creased. A hand is over his mouth to muffle his shaky sobs, his shoulders shaking as he cries.

Any relief I got from lashing out is replaced with guilt that I can't help. He's my soulmate. I'm programmed to hate seeing him hurt. Watching him in pain because of what I said naturally places weight on my shoulders.

"N-Nya," he stammers, trying to recollect himself. He lifts his arm, using the sleeve of his lush robe to wipe off the tears from under his eyes. "I'm so, so, so sorry for what happened," he sniffles. His eyes have the same look they did when I was struck by lightning all of those years ago, concern, guilt, and pain overtaking them. "I...I never meant to hurt you. Please come here. I'll explain everything," he pleads.

I scan over him, his slumped shoulders and strained face, before I spot a glimmer that catches my eye. The wedding ring that Jay and I picked out, the silver band with a blue "J" and a blue "N" engraved on the outside, wraps around his left ring finger just where I always wanted it to go.

Seeing it breaks my angry front. I put it up to block the joy I felt seeing him despite the emotional turmoil I had been going through the last several days. I was upset that I was happy to see the man that broke my heart, but the sincerity on his face and the ring on his finger suggests that there was more than just abandonment.

Taking a couple of quick strides to close the gap between us, I wrap my arms around him and start to sob, gripping onto the fabric of his robe. He gently shifts the hair out of my face, his fingers dusting my skin and taking away the sharpness in my shoulder, before pulling me even tighter into him. Both of our bodies shake in sync as we cry and hold onto each other.

I let myself bask in his embrace, in the electrical tingle that makes so much more sense now. I let myself enjoy his familiar scent, his strong hold on me. I let myself savor that he's actually here in front of me. It's not a dream.

I stand there in his arms for who knows how long. His embrace is unlike anything else that I've felt. It's natural sedation. I forgot just how sweet it was. I'm lulled even more when he reaches his hand up and runs his fingers through my hair.

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