Chapter 6

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*several days later*

Nya's POV

My feet weigh me down more with each step I take. I've been walking for the past three days, taking breaks during the night to sleep and short ones during the day to eat. Recently, there has been talk of a contraption that can move you mass distances. It's like a carriage, except there don't need to be any horses. It propels itself and can exponentially increase the distance gone in a day. I really need one of those right now.

Last time I had to make this long of a trip alone, I had Zippy with me. There was at least some moral support then, but there's none now. However, my determination distracts me from loneliness.

I didn't realize how big of a task I was undertaking when I left the camp that day. Ninjago is huge, and the five of them can be anywhere in it. They could even not be alive at all, dying a long time ago. My gut tells me they haven't though. Unless it was self inflicted, no one would have been able to kill them. They could have aldo passed their powers down to their children, but due to how stigmatized they are, I doubt that happened either.

Throughout the walk, I've been trying to mentally prepare myself to see them. These people are infamous for a pretty significant event. They murdered a princess, a princess that they were seen to love. Two of them also killed the person dearest to me. I can't be scared though. They're our only hope.

I've been trying to think of a way to convince them to fight on our side. All of Ninjago has been hunting them down for centuries. These new elementals aren't a threat to the masters of creation, just the establishment that sent them into hiding. They don't really have a strong reason to fight.

I'm going to try to appeal to their pride in being elemental masters. I'm going to try to paint the unnatural elemental masters as fake elementals that are a mockery to the real elemental masters. All I need to do is convince one of them, and the rest will fall in line. I know it.

Not only am I nervous to see them, but I'm also terrified at the thought of meeting my brother for the first time. I've been alive for over 600 years, and he's only come to see me once. I can't even remember it. I have no idea what he looks like, sounds like, or how he acts. When I try to picture him, all I can see is my dad, and I know he's not going to be a clone of my dad. That's impossible.

I also can't help but wonder what's happening back at camp. I left off an impulse, not waiting to say goodbye to anyone, not even my best friend. Not only that, but I abandoned Shade. He definitely stepped out of line with his comments, but I still regret how I treated him. He cares about me, and I care about him. I just hope he knows that I didn't mean to hurt him. I just want what's best for all of Ninjago, and hopefully this is it. At the end of this, I know that I'll want to be with him again. I already want to be with him and see him again.

I took a break impulsively like we have in the past. Both of us are stubborn, but I'm more of a firecracker than him. We clash, but he also will call me out when I'm wrong (and sometimes when I'm not). He holds me accountable. I need that in my life. My parents and Jay would never tell me I'm wrong and would just silently fix my mistakes if I made any. Shade confronts me about it and in turn, I actually learn. I miss it already.

After several more hours of walking, I finally reach a town. It's not too big, only several thousands of people live here. Shops are lined up down a path through the center of it. There's a nice variety from grocery stores to clothes stores and furniture stores. At the end of the row, there appears to be a little tent set up selling flowers.

To start off, I walk into a restaurant. I've had to ration my food, and I finally want to devour something. As the sweet aroma fills my nostrils, I let out a sigh of content. Even at camp, our food wasn't the best. This is going to be the best meal I've had in a while.

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