Chapter 1

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*468 years ago*

Nya's POV

I look down at the bags in my hand. Taking a deep breath in, I take in their flimsy, patched up material. The different shades of beige contrast with each other, the different patches being different colors. Mom and dad insisted that these raggedy bags would draw the least amount of attention in my travels, but I'm still a bit hesitant on their quality. Besides, if someone tries to rob me, I can protect myself anyways.

I look around my little shabby room for the last time for possibly decades. The clay brown walls stare at me, and the straw bed pressed up against the wall sends a wave of memories back into my head. It was on that bed that my parents first told me that I was an elemental master, that they told me that is why I would have to stay home after I turned 18. I wouldn't physically age after that, and people would notice.

Now, however, I'm receiving my 160th birthday present. When I told my parents I wanted to see the world, they were nothing less than terrified. However, after I reassured them that I would be fine and that I'd send letters, they hesitantly decided to let me go. They got me funding for about one month of food, shelter, and supplies. After that time, I either need to come home since I ran out of funding or make the money myself.

I walk out of my dusty room and into our main living area. My mom and dad are waiting in their wooden chairs, talking quietly to each other. When they hear my footsteps, their conversation immediately comes to a halt.

"It feels like just yesterday you were waddling around here and stealing your father's tools," Mom gives me a sad smile. "Now, look at you. You're all grown up."

"I'll be back soon. I could never leave you two alone for long," I give them a comforting smile. Being their only child, I'm not surprised that they're upset that I'm leaving.

"Before you leave, Nya, your mother and I would like to tell you something," my dad informs me. When he doesn't start telling me, I realize that he's waiting for me to sit, so I take the seat across from them.

"Do you remember what your mother and I told you a century or so ago about why I don't age like other humans?" my dad asks me. The hesitation in his eyes takes me back slightly.

"Yeah. Mom transfers some of her past elemental energy over to you which allows you to age at the same rate as her. Is that not true? It's clear that you don't have powers yourself" I question one of the fundamental pieces of information in my life. Once elemental powers are passed on to a new host, the previous elemental master begins to age at a slow rate. While Dad looks older than mom, they both age at the same rate.

"In the decades before you were born, there was a group of elemental warriors unlike any seen before them. Initially, there were only 4, the masters of earth, ice, lightning, and fire..."

"The elements of creation. Their powers are above any other powers out there. They're like if the other elemental powers were increased exponentially," I notice the pattern. My mother nods.

"Yes, but these 4 were even stronger than their predecessors of the same elements. United, they were a nearly unstoppable force. Then, a fifth master joined them, the master of energy, the one destined to save all of Ninjago from tyranny. The five of them together could take on hundreds of humans at a time, a force unseen in all of history. However, they always used their powers to protect, never to take or for malice.

They held a close alliance with the royal family at the time. The three princesses, Skylor, PIXAL, and Harumi each were in a relationship with one of them. While this would usually be an illegal practice, the king, Chen, allowed it. In his mind, it was fitting that his daughters would be with the strongest in all of the land. He would soon regret it though.

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