Chapter 23

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Kai's POV

As Jay and Nya go to look inside of the cave, I sigh, running a hand through my hair. While I don't regret helping give Nya a wake up call, I surely didn't expect the two of them to be together all of the time. I was just trying to reignite her feelings for him so that she'd stop giving him the cold shoulder. I didn't realize that she'd barely been able to hold back.

I haven't asked either of them what went down that night, and frankly, I don't want to know. After they left, I waited like five minutes before heading to the inn. However, as I got closer to the room and heard that the two of them were doing something I definitely wish I never even thought about, I made the choice to not only spend the night with Zane and PIXAL but to also not to ask about what happened. Besides, she has better stuff to do than try to explain the situation.

Clearly, her mind is about to explode. She's put this challenge in front of her, and she's not going to stop until the unnatural elementals are destroyed for good, even if it's the last thing she does.

Then, with her finding out that Jay was still alive, it added a whole extra layer of complexity to her life that she didn't need. It was painfully clear that she still cared about Jay, yet she still held onto her obligation to try things out with Shade again. She made a quick decision to lock Jay out of her heart to let Shade have the first chance, and I knew that she would stay grumpy about it all until she could let some tension off.

Jay being with my sister is weird, really weird, but out of all of the guys in the world, he's probably one of the better ones that could be her soulmate. As much as I hate to admit it, he's pretty damn powerful, and Nya having someone like that by her side is reassuring. Plus, he already knows that if he screws her over again, he'll have to deal with me.

What's even weirder is that she could easily reject him for Shade. Jay is her soulmate, but her and Shade have over 100 times the history than her and Jay. He doesn't sound like a bad guy from what she's said either. He clearly cares a lot about her, even if it gets clouded over by other things sometimes, but Nya needs someone who will always put forth the effort that she needs, and seeing how Jay has pretty much been a lap dog for every girl he's ever been with, it's clear that he doesn't have a problem with that.

"Gosh." I force my shirt off over my head and quickly discard it with a clenched jaw, immediately bringing my hand up to scratch the throbbing mark on my chest. My eyes flutter shut at the temporary relief.

It's been hours of this stinging, itching, throbbing patch of skin torturing me. It fades in and out of intensity, but right now, it's unbearable. I apply pressure to my tattoo in an attempt to block out the feeling, looking down at it with a frown.

The lion taunts me with the crown sitting on its head. It's the crown of my queen, of the woman that was supposed to be mine. Wherever her body ended up, her skin is probably gone at this point, the tattoo gone with it. I'm the only one left in this world with it.

I instantly freeze in my spot, aware of a change in the heat of the environment. Closing my eyes, I focus on their heat signatures, picking out some people about 100 yards away. My heart pounds in my chest as my eyes snap open. I draw heat to my right hand, creating a ball of fire as I whip around to face Zane and PIXAL and the crowd of people that are making ground on them.

From afar I can see 5 figures. Each is distinctly different. They all vary in height, and each have different hair colors. While the tallest one has black hair, their hair colors span from brown to purple to the most heart wrenching scarlett hair that looks identical to Skylor's.

PIXAL and Zane look at me, confused by the ball in my hand cause it looks like I'm staring at them. I ignore them, gritting my teeth at the people who clearly notice I spotted them seeing as how they start to sprint towards us. I whip the ball out of my hand at our attackers. It zooms through the air, sparks flying out of it, before it hits the ground in front of them, and as soon as the dead brush at their feet catches, I disperse the heat, spreading the flame before amplifying it upwards to create a thick wall of fire that blocks their path.

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