Chapter 7

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*several days later*

Nya's POV

Every muscle in my body aches. My legs wobble beneath me, each step sending a stabbing agony through my legs. My toes and feet have lost feeling, numb counterparts taking over instead. It's miserable.

Being alone for so long, especially since I've been walking several days after being in that last town, has taken a toll on me. I haven't talked to anyone in days, and it's been hard. Back at camp, I had a support system. I had my best friend, Aspen, to talk to if anything ever frustrated me. I definitely would have ranted to her about the whole "Heather situation". I still don't understand what her problem was, and I'll never know. There's no way I'm ever going back to that town.

I'm already physically and emotionally fatigued. I'm not the most physically affectionate person, but my craving to just be in someone's arms is intense. I can picture myself in Shade's arms as I drift in and out of thought. I really do miss him.

I would never admit it to anyone, but I regret the speed and intensity of my departure. I left the boy who helped me love again high and dry. He stepped out of line, but he definitely didn't deserve abandonment. The guilt eats at me from the inside out.

In the moment, I totally ignored how much my departure would affect the elemental army. The sides were balanced powerwise. While my departure will help us out in the long run, in the short run, it could be detrimental. I easily could have jeopardized 2 of the most important people that have ever been in my life. My departure could have easily tipped the scales in the unnatural elementals' favor.

Thinking about that weighs me down. In order to focus on my mission, I need a clear head. It's nearly impossible. Whenever I think about Shade in danger, my fight or flight reflexes kick in, and I want to fight whoever is trying to hurt him. That's why I try to ignore it. I need to disconnect myself from the worries of my life to focus on my mission.

I walk miles on miles before my knees start to give out. My knees get knocked out from under me with every step. It's only when I nearly collapse that I decide to take a break. I walk towards the closest tree before sitting down, letting my legs rest.

My legs feel swollen and as if my muscles are being ripped out. They're so fatigued that I don't think I could get up if I wanted to. The aching drives me crazy. I close my eyes, resting my head against the trunk of the tree.

All of this pain and agony will be worth it. It needs to be.


Seliel's POV

"Straighten your spine and lift your shoulders. Chin up, darling," Ms. Flickens taps my back with a rod, making me jump a bit. I sigh, following her instructions. "You're too tense. Let your shoulders drop a bit."

"First you tell me to raise my shoulders, now to drop them? Make up your mind," I groan.

Her eyes narrow at me, "Body language conveys more than words."

"Diplomacy and body language aren't what I should be concerned with right now. There's a war happening in our kingdom! I should be learning about war strategies and creating ways to help the natural elemental masters! Instead I'm here learning how to stand and how to properly hold a cup. It's all so trivial," I explain passionately, using my hands to talk as I sway them.

My teacher pinches the bridge of her nose and shakes her head. "War is no matter for a princess. Besides, you have adequate protection if someone were to come after you. That war will not interrupt your training to be a proper noblewoman."

"Why does my future matter when there's a threat that could take away tomorrow?" I bring up a good point. "Times are changing. There are two women in the natural elemental army. Why can't I be like them?'

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