Chapter 27

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A/N: I didn't proofread, so hopefully I didn't mess up anything too badly!

*several days later*

Skylor's POV

A loud shatter echoes through our headquarters from our master's office, followed by the muffled sounds of her screaming at Tobias. When Tobias said that as our leader, it's his responsibility to relay the events of the mission to her, I did not envy him for a single second. I might not know our master all that well, but I do know that the elemental masters of creation coming together was the last thing she wanted. I'm just glad that I'm not the one across from her as she finds out.

"We're so screwed. Going against the elemental masters of creation is something else. We've all heard the horror stories, whether it was the master of energy making an army of a hundred men drop dead or the master of fire burning people from the inside out. I think we need to cut our losses here and stop before it's too late," Finn swirls around the coffee in his mug before letting out a long sigh of discontent.

"If I am being completely transparent, Finn, I would have assumed that you of all people would not opt to quit so soon. Besides, we have an ally who is one of their biggest weaknesses," Thea's blue eyes look over at me before she gives me a closed mouth smile that's all courtesy. "From what I've heard, the master of fire was quite distraught when he saw you."

The moment that he saw me has been playing back over and over again in my head. I had no recollection of what he looked like as we were looking for him, but when I finally saw him, I understood exactly why I fell into his trap in the first place. His hair was styled perfectly, framing his face in the perfect way to accentuate every one of his features whether it was his perfect lips or delicate nose or the singular dimple on his left cheek. Additionally, with his shirt off, I couldn't help but be drawn to his exquisitely chiseled frame. He's devastatingly handsome.

However, his eyes and voice really did me in. His hazel eyes stared at me as if I was the only thing there, but not because he was upset I was there. He was shocked, but from how his eyes watered, it was like he wanted to see me.

Then when the words, "Skylor, baby..." rolled off his tongue, it was like a godly melody. My chest lit up and every fiber in my body stood on end. It pulled me towards him. My body felt like it needed to be close to him.

The thought of it still has me aggravated. I should be repulsed by the sight of him. Being near him should gross me out and trigger every foul response my body has to offer, but it doesn't. Instead, I have to fight myself to not fall into his trap again.

I shrug, keeping my face neutral. "I don't think it had much to do with me. He was just in a vulnerable state. If he actually cared about me, he wouldn't have killed my sister."

"I don't..." the door to our master's office flies open, a loud slam resonating throughout the room as the handle smashes into the wall. Tobias emerges from the doorframe. His head hangs low as he walks out of the room and immediately takes a sharp turn down to where the prisoners are being held.

A few seconds later, our master walks through the doorway, her hands clasped in front of her and a fabricated closed mouth smile on her lips. Her breathing is slow and steady as a deadly aura radiates off of her that silences the whole room. "Skylor, please come with me to the lab."

My heart drops as my name leaves her mouth, but I immediately get up, adhering to her orders. She instantly takes a sharp turn in the opposite direction that Tobias did and starts to walk away as I trail behind her.

She walks with utmost confidence and power knowing that she is the most intimidating person in the room. She's the one that has an army of elemental masters at her control, and she's the one who wanted to go toe to toe with the most powerful beings to ever exist.

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