Chapter 40

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Skylor's POV

It has been ten minutes. Ten minutes of lying here with a black hole where my heart should be, of facing the wall as my sister stands silently in the doorway just waiting for someone to walk past. It has been ten minutes since the master of fire sulked out of the room and disappeared to who knows where to digest what I said.

He wasn't lying to me when he told me that PIXAL was here with them. To my knowledge, he hasn't lied to me about a single thing since I got here. Every story, every little comment, everything has all lined up.

The guilt is making my skin heavy and chest empty. My soul is calling out for them, for the master of fire, for PIXAL, for Harumi wherever she is. My arms itch to hold them. Every time I looked at him, I just wanted to embrace him and never let go. The same thing goes for my sister even if I only saw her briefly.

But I can't. My head is fried and scrambled. All I know is that I don't know what I know. I have been told so many contrasting things from so many different people. I have to sort through a labyrinth of information just to find the truth. Right now, these people, these natural elementals, t feel right to me, but I felt the same way in the presence of the unnatural elementals, so I can't be sure.

"PIX, what is going on? Lloyd and I were cuddling up on deck when Kai walked over to us and was an absolute wreck. Now, you're standing outside of the doorway as if you're afraid to walk in," the voice is harsh and dripping with anger. Even though it is deeper than in my dreams, the intonations are still the same. It's my youngest sister.

"Skylor wishes for my departure and will not look at me. Please fulfill my duties," my middle sister responds with so much eloquence that my insides squirm even more at my behavior. I allowed her to get thrown into a mountain. How can I look at her?

Instead of the brash response I was expecting, murmurs that I can't make out fill the air. I can feel the distance between them and me, thick and sour. A few seconds after their murmurs finally stop, the slam of the door shakes the bed frame and makes my muscles tense even more. Heavy stomps make their way across the room, most likely to the chair where the master of fire usually sits.

"Don't worry, you can look now. The monster is gone," I can practically hear Harumi roll her eyes.

"I don't consider our sister a monster," I roll over from beneath the covers and try to take in my sister. Unlike PIXAL whose features themselves didn't seem to change much aside from the change in complexion, Harumi's features have scaled up with her face. Her eyes, nose, lips, they have all grown into proportion on her face. She has matured a lot in comparison to the soft version of her in my dreams. Her face has no wrinkles, but even so, it still looks a bit worn, like she has endured a lot.

"Sure you don't. That definitely wasn't the reason that you couldn't look at her or anything," she shakes her head and looks towards the door as if she was staring far into the distance.

"That isn't..."

"I don't want to talk to you," her eyes snap from the door to mine. They're green, an emerald that should be brimming with life, but there's nothing in them but contempt. "It sucks, doesn't it? When one person is trying to put in an effort to talk, and the other one tells them to fuck off?"

"Do you hate me?" the words escape my mouth before I realize they're coming out.

"Well let's see what happened to the people that love you. You just kicked your sister out for being a robot, which I assure you she wasn't thrilled about being either. Plus, you've been constantly berating the man who would literally sell his soul for you. So yeah, there's no incentive to love you, really," she shrugs and looks down at her nails.

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