Bonus Chapter

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"So have you asked Granger to the ball yet?" Asked George.

"What why would I ask her? She's not my type. Too serious, can't take a joke." Fred said.

"Well I'll just ask her then. Pretending to be you." George shrugged

"You can try but she can tell us apart, you know that." Said Fred.

"All the same, Freddie, I wasn't born yesterday. I can see you clearly like her." George said with a wink.

"I don't know what you're talking about, George I'm a bachelor, single forever."

"C'mon I'll be your wingman, go on she's just over there." Said George.

"No!" Fred protested but George dragged him over to where Hermione was immersed in a book.

"So Freddie, who you taking to the Yule Ball?" George asked Fred, extremely loudly.

"Could ask you the same, Romeo." Fred said, shoving his brother.

"Bet I can get a date before you can."

"No you can't."

"You'll just have to ask the first girl you lay eyes on." George bellowed.

"Honestly boys, can I not get some peace and quiet to read anywhere?" Hermione asked, irritably.

"No granger, only losers and nerds read in public." Said Fred, teasing her.

"I'm not a loser or a nerd. With the insults you're using, it's clear you haven't picked up a book in years." She said.

"There's plenty more where that came from." Fred winked.

"Will you two get a room?" Asked George.

Hermione  looked up at him over the top of her book in horror. "I'm leaving until you two learn not to act like children." She rolled her eyes at the pair of them, slamming the book shut.

"We don't want a girl hanging out with us anyway." Said George.

"Which is why you've obviously both got dates to the ball. Honestly what are you, 12?" She snapped.

"Hmmm age wise, no." Said George.

"On a scale of 1-10, yes."  Said Fred, running his hand through his long hair and winking at her.

Hermione smiled a little.

"I can't deal with the pair of you right now." She said, getting up and leaving, hiding her smile from them.

"She's on one today isn't she?" George said turning to his twin.

"Yeah but her insults are getting better." Shrugged Fred.

"And you insist you don't fancy her."

"Okay fine. I was going to ask her but I thought I probably shouldn't because on Ron and now apparently she's going with someone else. So there's nothing more to say is there?" He said grumpily.

"So you do fancy her." Said George, knowing fully well he was getting under his brother's skin.

"No I don't."


The Yule Ball

Hermione walked gracefully down the stairway. Her hair up with a few ringlets escaping. Her pink dress cascaded around her. Fred peered around a great stone pillar, gawping at how beautiful she looked.

He thought about how much we wanted to  stroke her rosy cheek before kissing her glossy lips. He was in awe of her. She was radiant and glowing with beauty.

Suddenly, someone yanked him backwards.

"Put your tongue back in your mouth, brother." Said George from behind him. "You've actually got a bit of drool on your chin there." He said jokily.

"Shove off, George." He said.

"Just admit you like her." Said George.

"Nope I'm going to dance with Angelina." He said, walking off.

"Oh I've got to see this." Said George, following him.

Fred was on the dance floor, dancing awfully as predicted by his brother. He caught sight of George who gestured towards Ron and Hermione who seemed to be having some sort of argument.

"One sec." He said to Angelina.

George pulled him to one side.

"There's your chance Freddie, go after her." George said. "I'll pretend to be you and dance with Angelina." He said.

"Fine, but I've got a feeling you're manipulating me so you can make your move with Angelina." Fred said but George was already walking off.

He walked towards where Ron and Hermione were arguing.

"Ron, you've spoiled everything." She cried. Ron stormed off.

She sat down and took off her shoes. Fred came and sat beside her.

"Hey Granger." He said softly.

"What do you want?" She snapped. She realised how cruel she sounded. "Sorry." She said, shaking her head.

"It's okay. Is Ron being a pratt again?" He asked.

"I don't even want to think about him." She said.

"For what it's worth, Granger I think you look...nice, well nicer than usual." He said awkwardly.

"Thanks, Fred." She smiled. A tear dropped from her eye. Fred gently wiped it away.

"Ron's just annoyed that you rejected him in front of everyone but you had a perfectly good reason to. Many in fact. He should've asked you straight away but give him time and he'll wise up and see just how brilliant you are." He said.

He put his arm around Hermione.

"You know Ron, he just needs some time to sulk and then he'll clean up his act because he's missing out." Fred said. "So I think you should put on your shoes, wipe away your tears and go find Viktor." He said.

"Has my makeup run?"

"No. You look perfectly awful as usual." He beamed.

"Hey!" She said but then she noticed his smile. "Oh."

Fred smirked at her.

"Thank you, Fred. You know you were always my favourite twin." She said, winking at him.

"Shut up, Granger don't get all sentimental on me." He said.

She wrapped her arms around him and squeezed him tight.

"You're a real friend, you know that Fred. When you're not bullying me or being childish that is." She smiled.

"What did I tell you, 12 out of 10." He said, straightening his jacket.

Hermione laughed and turned to walk away.

"Hey did you want to dance...with me?" She asked, turning round.

"Oh I think you should go and find Viktor. He might get a bit funny if I cut in. Get the wrong idea. Plus I'm awful. But I promise, if we ever go to another dance, I'll brush up on my skills for you and dance with you." He winked.

"Alright then," she said and walked away from him.

He stayed true to his word because the next proper dance they attended was their first dance as husband and wife.

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