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"What's he done?" Asked Hermione, running out into the dark. Night had quickly fallen over the horizon and she couldn't see Fred anywhere.

"George I swear if this is one of your pranks." She said turning to him. "Where is he?" She asked looking all around.

"I don't know." Said George.

And then, the entire sky lit up with golden fireworks, she looked at George.

"Fred?" She asked, looking into his eyes.

"Got you there, Granger." He smirked.

She couldn't stop staring at him.

"There's a great big firework display I've put on for you and and you're looking at me?" He chuckled.

"Of course I am." She smiled.

"Shh watch the show, Granger." He said, taking her hand and squeezing it.

Fireworks of all colours and sizes filled the sky. He placed his hands on her shoulders and looked up at the sky with her.

Heart shaped fireworks fizzed throughout the sky.

"Heart fizzlers." He said. "New Weasley product inspired by you of course." He smiled.

"It's so beautiful, Fred. You must've put ages into planning this."

"Oh I've been planning this for a long time, Granger."

Hermione laughed.

He pulled her by the waist into his arms. He looked down at her smiling face and put his hand on her cheek.

"I love you, Granger." He said softly. "And I'm sorry if I ever made you think otherwise."

"I love you too, Fred." She smiled.

Tiny fireworks were whizzing around them now.

"So um....right I've been thinking about how to do this." He said, awkwardly.

"Yeah." She said, hoping that this was the moment she'd been waiting for.

"There's no real right way to do this and I don't know how so I'm just gonna come out and say it." He said. He looked so nervous. "Hermione I think that we should.."

But before he could finish, a rogue firework hit him, casting him backwards onto the ground.

"FRED!" She shouted. "Someone help, please!" She called, dropping to her knees.

Ginny came rushing out and saw Fred laying lifeless on the ground, his head in Hermione's lap.

"Fred's hurt please go and get help." She said desperately. Ginny nodded and ran back to the house.

"Fred, can you hear me?" She asked stroking his head. "Oh god let this be one of your pranks, please." She whispered, crying.

"Gotcha." He mumbled weakly. But he really was hurt. "Has anyone ever told you Hermione that you are so beautiful?"

"You might've mentioned it once or twice." She said through tears.

Oh god what if he's dying?

"Hold my hand, please?" He asked. He looked at the sky at the fireworks which were becoming blurry to him now.

And then he started panicking and breaking out in a cold sweat.

"Please get these bricks off me, the rubble's going to crush me. I can't move, my leg's stuck!" He cried, hyperventilating.

"Fred there's no rubble. It's just me."

"I can't move!" He cried. He started choking. "Everything's falling!"

"Fred it's just the fireworks, it's okay." She said. She planted a soft kiss on his lips. "See? It's just me and you." She said.


"Yeah, Fred it's me."

"You've got to get out of here, quick. Hogwarts is falling down it's too late for me, save yourself." He cried, tears were spilling down his cheeks. "I love you, Hermione always remember that." And his eyes gently closed.

Arthur, George and Molly came rushing outside.

"Please help him." Sobbed Hermione.

"What happened?" Asked molly. She put her arms round Hermione who was sobbing. The fireworks had stopped now and the only light was coming from the house.

"He got hit by a firework and then it's like he had some sort of flashback to what happened to him at hogwarts." She cried into molly's woollen jumper. "He was crying about rubble and he was talking like he was back there and he couldn't move."

"Shhhh there there, George is with him now. I think it's best we give them a little bit of privacy." Molly soothed, stroking Hermione's hair. "Let's get you inside and make you a nice cup of tea, shall we?"

Hermione nodded and Molly walked her slowly back to the house. They sat alone at the kitchen table.

"I approve of the pair of you, by the way." She said.

"You do?" She asked, still crying.

"Yes, although i think for all our sakes you may want to think about keeping the noise down." She said, raising an eyebrow. " Still. These past few months he's been a lot brighter and I think you've had a great deal to do with that. And Ronald will come round eventually. It was just a shock for him. I know things aren't exactly peachy between the two of you and there's been quite a bit of drama going on for a while but he still cares for you."

"You really think so?" She replied. "Will Fred be alright, Molly?"

"He'll be just fine, dear. Just drink your tea and relax a little. He'll be right as rain in no time."

Hermione sipped her tea and wiped away her tears. Her heart was still full of worry for Fred.

George came into the kitchen.

"He's asking for you, Hermione." George said.

"Can I...?" She asked.

"Yes pop and see him, dear. We'll give you two some space." Molly said with a wink.

"Don't worry, he'll be alright. Weasley fireworks are always safe, he just took a blow from one and got a small concussion. The new fireworks weren't tried and tested properly, that's why it went rogue. He's come round a bit now and making more sense." Said George.

Hermione hugged him and George squeezed her back. They looked identical but it was nothing like hugging Fred. She opened the door to the living room where Fred was laying on the couch.

"Is that you, Granger?" He asked.

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