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"It's no mansion, but it's home." Fred said when they got to the burrow.

"It's...wonderful." Said Celine in awe.

"It's alright. Do you want anything? Cup of tea?" He asked.

"I do want something, yeah." She said. She kissed him and took off his jacket.

He kissed her back and pulled her close.

"What, you mean now?" Fred asked.

"Yes, now. Only if you're okay." She said.

"Yeah. Yeah you know what? I am." He said.

He took her hand and they ran upstairs to his room.

"Your room's so messy." She said, looking at it.

"Is that a problem?" Asked Fred.

"You might have to take your shirt off to distract me from it."

"Fine by me." Shrugged Fred.


Hermione got up from her bed where Ron was fast asleep. She picked up her book and decided to head downstairs to read again, when she bumped into Fred.

"Oh Hermione..hey." He said.

"How'd it go with Celine? Is she.."

Hermione noticed he was carrying two cups of tea.

"Oh so she's..." she started.

"Yeah." Fred smiled.

"I guess the date went well then, so did you two? Sorry that's totally inappropriate." She said, screwing her eyes shut and realising how intrusive that was.

"Um yeah kind of. I think I really like her." He smiled.

"Good for you." She smiled. "But...you made her tea afterwards?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Well I'm very gentlemanly. The women I date get nothing but the best treatment." He chuckled.

"I bet they do," she laughed.

Then Celine came out of Fred's room wearing just one of Fred's shirts.

"Can I use the bathroom?" She asked Fred, kissing him on the cheek.

"Yeah it's just down the hall." He said. He gestured with his head.

Celine nodded and went to the bathroom. She looked back at Fred and Hermione.

"Anyway. Tea's getting cold." He said.

"Yeah, yeah. Well...goodnight, Fred." She smiled.

"Night." He replied.

When Celine returned. She sat in Fred's bed and sipped her tea.

"Who was that?" She asked.

"Oh that's just Hermione, my brother's girlfriend I was telling you about." He said.

"She seems to really like you." Celine said.

"Yeah she's a good friend. I've known her a long time now. We've been through a lot together."

"Well she looks like she's got a bit more than friendship on her mind with you." Celine said. She didn't sound annoyed as such, more sort of cold.

"Nah she's Ron's girlfriend. She adores him, she'd never look at me like that and I'd never see her like that either." He shrugged.

Celine didn't look convinced, but she seemed content for now. She drank the rest of her tea and rested her head with Fred's. They both lay down and fell asleep.

The thing that makes me smile the most - A Fremione StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora