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"Fred?" Asked George.

"They've been fighting again, haven't they? Her and Ron." Said Fred, looking at Hermione who was curled up on the sofa at the burrow, seemingly asleep.

"Look, Freddie I'm the one with no ear, and my hearing is seemingly better than yours."

Fred turned to George. "Sorry, go on."

"I was wondering if you'd be okay if I asked out Angelina Johnson?"

"George, why do you need my permission?" Fred asked.

"Because you and her were...involved and I thought I'd check."

"I took her to the Yule Ball yeah but that was years ago. Plus I know you've been sleeping with her for ages." Laughed Fred.

"Yeah ok there is that." George said with a grin.

"Why so serious all of a sudden Georgie? That goes against everything in our nature!" Fred asked.

He'd noticed his twin had been more anxious recently and he was always tiptoeing around Fred, asking him permission for everything. George had stopped bullying him pretty much altogether and he hardly ever joked around properly with him anymore.

"Nothing...I..." George started.


George sighed "ever since...you know...I almost lost you, Freddie. You had major head trauma and you were in a coma."

"Yeah well when one gets crushed under all sorts of bricks and rubble, one tends to remember that sort of thing...vaguely."

"I just...remember standing over your broken body, looking at all the cuts and bruises on you and...I thought I'd lost you, Freddie. And I just...don't want to lose you in other ways."

"You'd have to do a lot worse than date Angelina Johnson and steal all the food out the fridge to get rid of me, Georgie. We're brothers, you couldn't get rid of me if you tried. Now stop being such a soppy git and go ask Angelina out." Said Fred, kicking his brother in the shin.

"I don't even know if she'll say yes." Shrugged George.

"What with our good looks? How could she say no?" Said Fred.

George laughed and hugged his twin as tight as he possibly could.

"Jesus Christ, George! Are you trying to break my ribs again? They've only just healed." Joked Fred.

George rolled his eyes at his twin.

Fred elbowed George. "Ask her out."

"We need to talk about re-opening the joke shop too." Started George.

"If you don't ask her out, I'll pretend to be you and do it for you."

George glared at him.

"She'll be at the Hogwarts clean-up, so you can ask her there." Continued Fred.

Many people were volunteering to clear up the mess that the battle of hogwarts had left. The castle was basically destroyed. All sorts of architects and powerful witches and wizards were brought in to help. McGonagall who was the new Headmistress of Hogwarts instigated and organised the cleanup.

Harry barely left the place since he blamed himself for virtually the whole thing, but now Fred had almost fully recovered, he wanted to pull his weight, seeing as the twins had made the executive decision to shut Weasley's Wizard Wheezes just while the commotion from the war died down. So the pair of them had a lot of spare time on their hands.

"We need to leave soon then, I don't want to miss her." Said George. He looked over at Hermione. "Should we wake her, see if she wants to help?"

"Nah," said Fred. "Leave her, she was up all night fighting with Ron again. Must've barely gotten any sleep, bless her."

"Are you sure you're ready to go back, Freddie? You did almost die there." Said George.

"I think I'll be fine." Fred said.

More than anything, it sounded more like it was George who wasn't ready to go back.

"We don't have to go if you don't want, Georgie. If it's too traumatic."

"We can do it like we do everything, Freddie." He replied.

"Together." They said in unison

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