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Meanwhile, Fred was huddled on his bed . It was like he was in shock from the dream he had about him and Hermione. What if it happened when he went to sleep tonight.

Simple solution. I'll never sleep again. I'll invent some magic concoction that gives me enough energy so you never have to sleep and you'll never be tired and...oh that's caffeine. I'll just drink coffee for every meal for the rest of my life.

"Fred."called Hermione's voice from the other side of his door. "Are you decent?"

No. No I'm a horrible human being.

"Yep." He called, his voice wavering. He had to face her at some point.

She came in.

"Fred you have crumbs all over your..." Hermione shut her eyes. "Nevermind. I just came to tell you that I've decided to go to hogwarts."

"Hermione. That's brilliant!" Fred replied, jumping to his feet.

"Yeah." She said, shyly. "It's still sort of against Ron's wishes, but I stood my ground, and I think we might just make it work." She smiled.

Is it weird if I hug her? I want to let her know I'm...

Hermione threw her arms around Fred.

Oh. Okay then. Wait she can't read my mind can she? Oh no what if she knows? Shut up, Freddie, just enjoy it while it lasts.

He put his arms around her. This wasn't weird. Was it?

"I'm proud of you." He smiled.

Why? Why the hell would you say that? That sounds way too familiar.

"Thank you. At least someone's happy for me." She said, sarcastically.

Fred said nothing. He was still avoiding eye contact. He dreaded to think where the dream would've led to if he hadn't woken up. Did he really feel like that about Hermione?

"Anyway, that's all I wanted to tell you." She smiled. She turned away, closing the door behind her.

Fred sat back down. There was one person he could talk to. But he was downstairs making more toast after what had probably been a long night with Angelina Johnson.

Even George might judge him. He promised Hermione he wouldn't even talk to her about the kiss and he certainly shouldn't talk to George about his dream or the fact that deep down secretly he might've actually liked it more than he let himself know.

He didn't have to mention names. But he couldn't keep this to himself anymore and his twin, his other half, his brotherly soulmate was the only person he'd ever go to about things like this. He'd told him way worse things than this and so had George, come to think of it. In fact, the worst things he'd ever done, he'd probably done with George.

Keeping it quiet was driving him mad.


"So you. Fredrick Gideon Weasley kissed a girl literally months ago and didn't tell me about it?" George said, confused.

"Yes. Well she sort of kissed me and I didn't stop it, just kissed her back a bit even though she has a boyfriend." Said Fred.

"And remind me who it was again." He said, raising his eyebrow.

"One of the nurses from the hospital." Said Fred, lying through his teeth.

"And why are you only just telling me this now?" He asked.

"Because I felt bad, y'know." Fred shrugged.

"We've done worse things, Freddie I guarantee I won't judge you on anything."

"I also had a sort of dream about her. And I'm worried I liked it more than I should've done which is...low it feels forbidden. And I don't love her or have a crush on her, I just think she's...nice."

"Nice?" Said George. "Fred, I think if you're dreaming about her you think she's a bit more than nice."

"No I don't...like her like that." He said.

"So you just fancy her."

"No I don't fancy her, I just...didn't not like the kiss but I just feel bad because she has a boyfriend...the nurse."

"It's not the nurse is it, Freddie?"

"Okay it's not the nurse George."

"Fred we almost killed our own brother and caused him to have a lifelong phobia from traumatising him when we were younger. There is nothing you can say that will shock me."

"It was Hermione." He blurted out.

George said nothing. He just covered his mouth with his hand.

"George?" He asked, prodding him.

George stayed silent.

"Georgie?" He said again, gently tapping his face."

"George will you please say something?"

"This is bad, Freddie. This is very very bad." He said.

"Yes I know." Said Fred, rolling his eyes.

"Because she's.."

"Ron's girlfriend, I know." Fred said.

"And he's..."

"Our brother, yes."

"But that's..."

"Despicable, inhumane, awful, disgusting, cruel." Fred said.

"Hilarious." George said, grinning.

"No. No it is not, it's very very very inconvenient." He said.

"Oh no don't get me wrong, Freddie. It's awful beyond words, it's just hilarious for me to watch. You're just getting wound up about it Fred. You'll have forgotten all about it in a week or two." He said.

"Please don't tell anyone, Georgie." Said Fred.

"Twin to twin confidentiality." George said, crossing his heart.

"She's not gonna tell Ron. It didn't mean anything to either of us, it'll only put even more strain on our relationship....THEIR relationship! Theirs! Not ours, we don't have one." Fred said, stumbling over his words.

"Oh Freddie I know this is no fun for you, but it is very fun for me to watch." Laughed George. "If it makes you feel better, Angie has a cousin who has a huge crush on me apparently so I could set you up on a date because you're the next best thing to me."

"Oh...I don't know, Georgie."

"It might take your mind off the fact you may or may not be developing a crush on our brother's girlfriend."  George said.

"I'm not...ugh fine, but one date." Fred said, rolling his eyes.

"I'll work my matchmaking magic and you can forget all about Miss Granger."

The thing that makes me smile the most - A Fremione StoryWhere stories live. Discover now