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The cleanup was surprisingly heartwarming.

All sorts of people had come along to help. Current students, ex students, teachers and even parents.

"Angie" called George, running after Angelina.

The place looked a lot better than when they had left it. McGonagall had certainly done a sterling job organising everything. She caught sight of Fred and came to greet him.

"I never thought I'd say this to either of you two, but I'm glad to see you're both up and about." She said, smiling. "Especially you, Fred."

"We're here with anything you need, Professor McGonagall."

"Well maybe you could stop selling my students your awful, awful joke products. Nosebleed nougat seems to be a particular favourite amongst them."

"The only way we can do that, I'm afraid is if you buy us out of stock." Shrugged Fred.

"However much I disapprove of your stock, I must say that I did enjoy that little firework show you pulled on Dolores Umbridge. Although if you tell anybody I said that, I shall deny everything."

"Ah so you have learnt something from George and I."

"It seems I have, Mr Weasley." She winked.

Fred and George spent the day shifting rubble and overall raising morale more than anything.

The twins spotted Ron over in the distance. He seemed very Hermione-less.

"Alright Ronnie?" Shouted George.

"Where's Hermione? Asked Fred.

"Bored of you already, I expect." George said.

"No she's at home, she didn't feel like coming out today. Time of the month, I expect." Ron said bluntly. "She's certainly bloody acting like it." Said Ron, rolling his eyes.

The twins for once didn't know what to say.

Fred had heard him and Hermione arguing late into the early hours of the morning when he was struggling to sleep. He didn't know what it was about, but whatever it was, it had been going on for weeks.

But if the twins were good at anything, it was making others laugh. Fred was determined to make the pair of them laugh again. Sometimes it felt like it was what he was put on this earth to do.

He was surrounded by unhappy people. He worried about his brother, George's sudden anxiety. He was worried about Ron and his failing relationship and Hermione who had been so very sad recently. Harry was one of the most tortured of all. Everything that happened, he blamed himself. The boy who lived, but also the boy who lost so much. He felt as if every person he was close to had to die for him. Like it was his fault.

"Well, Freddie. You are no longer talking to a single man. Angie said yes." George smiled.

"Well done, Georgie boy!" He said, congratulating his brother.

"Just got to find you a nice woman now, aye Fred? You got your eye on anybody at the moment?" Asked George.

"Nah." Said Fred. "Can't find anyone who can quite match up to my energy." He shrugged.

"Well Freddie boy, you can't be a bachelor forever." He joked.

"Shove off George." He said, smiling.

George was distracted for now, he had Angelina. It seemed like everyone was in relationships except him. Harry and Ginny, Ron and Hermione, even Bill and Fleur were married.

He didn't have a crush on anybody at the moment, he just hadn't met the right person yet. But he was into his twenties now, he felt like he wasn't getting any younger.

He shook off George's comments and just laughed them off.

George decided to stay round Angelina's so Fred went back to the burrow alone to find Hermione and Ron arguing upstairs again.

"Look I don't see what the problem is here, Ronald. I'm not missing out on my last year of education. We spent the last school year on the run helping Harry. All I want to do is get my last year done and then I will have qualifications so I can start building my future...our future." Said Hermione.

"I never said you couldn't! I just don't think it's best for us, it'll put more strain on us because I'll only see you for a few times a year. That's difficult, Hermione. If that happens, you can't have me too. It's either our relationship or a year back at hogwarts." Argued Ron.

"So you're making me choose?"

"Well McGonagall said to all of us that given the circumstances, we can all receive our final grades as our what our predicted grades are. We both know you're going to get full marks either way."

"It's not about the grades I get." Said Hermione irritably. "It's about missing out on things I haven't learnt."

"You know everything anyway!" He shouted.

"We could re sit the year together." Hermione said. She was clearly crying.

"I told you. I'm becoming an Auror with Harry. We promised we'd do that together. He's my best mate, Hermione and he's been through a lot. More than anybody could imagine. I can't just leave him for a year!" Ron yelled.

"I think we just both want different things, Ron. If it's meant to work out, it will." Said Hermione quietly.

"So you're splitting up with me?" Asked Ron. He'd stopped shouting now, it sounded like he'd just been shot.

"I don't...no...I just...I love you, Ron, you know that, right?"

"Of course, Hermione. I know and I love you too and I want you to remember that." He said, softly.

"I hate this." She sobbed.

"Me too." He replied.

Fred who was sitting awkwardly in the living room, not daring to go upstairs, could hear Hermione sniffing and sobbing.

"Come on, I'll make you a cuppa." He said. "Back in a minute."

Ron went downstairs to find Fred.

"You heard that, huh?" He said, bluntly.

"Yeah it was hard not to. I wasn't eavesdropping or anything."

"Nah mate I know." Ron said.

Fred and Ron headed to the kitchen.

"It's like we're totally different people. I thought after all we've been through, it'd bring us closer, but I think that's the only thing we have in common anymore."

"You'll work it out. Ronnie." Fred said reassuringly.

"I just thought after everything, we've saved each other so many times and that doesn't just go away. It's just not what I thought it'd be." Ron said. "But what am I talking about me for? You almost died how are you feeling?

"We all almost died, Ron I'm no different to anyone else in that battle."

"Yeah but you got the worst. You were really badly hurt, that's got to be taxing on you. It was traumatic, Fred."

"Yeah it hurt a little, you know, a chunk of building all falling on top of me and all but I pulled through and it's made me more grateful for each day because I was lucky enough to be given a second chance. I'm fine, Ron. You worry about you."

The whistle of the kettle interrupted the silence between them.

"I'd better take this to Hermione." He said, pouring her a cup of tea.

"You'll be alright, Ron. You know that, don't you?" Fred called after him. "Whatever happens."

The thing that makes me smile the most - A Fremione StoryWhere stories live. Discover now