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"Of course it's me." She said running to the sofa and crouching down beside it.

"I think this possibly constitutes a get well kiss." He whispered.

"Yes I suppose it does," she said, fondly.

She leant over and kissed his lips, gently. She pulled away and looked down at him.

"Not long enough. That'll never make me better." He said, cheekily.

"Best I give you another one then." She giggled and kissed him again.

"Mmm." He said into her lips. "I think this one's working."

She smiled into his lips and kissed him tenderly. When they stopped, she held his hand.

"Are you okay? Fred, I was so scared." She said, shakily.

"I should probably explain what happened." He said, groggily.

"Tell me another time, focus on getting better first, then tell me." She said.

"I'm so sorry." He said, sadly.

"For what, Fred?"

"Everything was meant to go perfectly. I was going to set the mood with the fireworks, kiss you and then ask you to be my girlfriend and I ruined it. I'm sorry for scaring you, sweetheart."

"Fred it was perfect. Don't apologise, it wasn't your fault. It's actually one of the nicest things anybody's ever done for me." She smiled.

He sat up, fidgeting as he did so.

"Fred don't sit up, you're hurt." She said, worried again.

"I can sit up for this. Come sit next to me." He said, patting the sofa cushion next to him. She obliged. "Remember all that time ago what happened on this very sofa?"

"Of course I do. We kissed for the first time right here, sitting just like this." She said.

"I want you to kiss me again like you did that night." He said, so again she did what he said.

She leant in, closed her eyes and met her lips with his. He kissed her back passionately and for longer than the first time. He placed one hand on her back and one hand travelled up her neck and cupped her face. She moved closer to him and gently put her arms around his neck. It felt like forever. His tongue massaging hers, their lips moving in perfect synchronisation. It was charged, every touch was electric and Fred kept smiling into her lips. When they finally stopped, Hermione gazed into his eyes and he gazed into hers.

"That's how I wanted to kiss you that night. The first night we kissed. I didn't want to awkwardly swan off upstairs, I wanted to stay here and cherish and hold you and kiss you properly." He said.

"Oh Fred, I..." she started, new tears forming in her eyes, happy ones.

"I'm still not finished." He said, putting a finger to her lips. "Now there's been something I've been wanting to ask you for a very long time now but I've always been too afraid."

"Mmhmm." She said.

"Hermione Granger," he said, moving his face closer to hers and resting his forehead on hers, "please can you put us both out of our misery.." Hermione laughed through her tears. "And please, please, pleaaase go out with me. Because I love you and I don't want to spend another second without you being my girlfriend."

"I love you too, Fred Weasley and of course I will." She whispered, still crying.

They kissed again.

"I thought you'd never ask." She shrugged.

They both laughed.

Hermione lay back on the sofa and Fred lay down backwards on top of her, lying between her legs and resting his head on her chest. Both of them were smiling that they were finally together properly.

"We should probably go and celebrate together upstairs...in my bed." Said Fred.

"Fred, I'd love to but I'm worried about hurting you. You've been injured." She said, kissing him on the head.

"Well Hermione you can see I'm pretty muddy, can't you." He said.

"Well yes." She said, confused.

"And you know if I have any wounds they might infected if they have dirt in them." He continued.

Hermione could see where this was headed.

"And if I were to go for a shower, right now. It's possible I might get dizzy and fall over so I might need somebody there with me and seeing as you're my girlfriend now, it's sort of your duty to help..."

"Yes Fred I will take a shower with you." She said, rolling her eyes.

The thing that makes me smile the most - A Fremione StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora