twenty four

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September 3rd:
The wedding day ✨💍🤍

"Olivia," Heidi gasped, my maid of honour "I know it wasn't your choice, and I hate to give him any credit. But that dress... you look so overwhelmingly beautiful."

I flattened down my dress, looking at myself in the mirror, this is the first time I'm seeing the dress on, "I hate it." I told her, awkwardly moving the top half to make it more comfortable.

Octavia's eyes widened, "How could you possibly hate it? You look like an Angel livvy, you are gorgeous."

I shook my head at them both, "I hate it, I hate it all so so much," I wanted to cry "I hate that I love it, I don't want to love it. I don't want to feel love today at all."

Mila pulled me close to her, hugging me gently, "Oh Olivia," she sighed "It's okay baby, you just say a few little words and it's over."

I sighed to them, "I wanted my wedding to be magical, I wanted the love to be radiant, to be long lasting. I feel so fake."

All of my bridesmaids knew the truth, between them, my brother and max, they knew it was all a lie. The other four hundred guests know nothing of the sorts, "You're doing it for a good reason liv." Clementine reminded me, checking over my hair.

Rosalind hurried into the room, "Vogue magazine are here!" She squealed jumping up and down.

"Ugh who cares," Tavi groaned "Is he here or not?" She asked, Rosalind had been making sure everything was running smoothly and of course it was.

"I didn't see him." Rosalind admitted, they were talking about Max. I didn't blame him for not coming, despite the fact he was definitely invited. The whole grid was invited, thanks to Adam of course.

My parents aren't here, my mum and dad aren't here and Daniel didn't want to be here, that's when you know you are making a mistake. But if it was going to save Daniel and max, I would do it smiling.

A knock at the door sounded, and my heart rate picked up, had max come after all? But then when a woman's voice followed,"They're ready for you soon to be Mrs Laurent."

"Oh my god." I mumbled, holding my stomach and breathing out heavily. I'm going to be a Laurent, not a Ricciardo. What am I doing?

"You're going to be okay, ten minutes and it's over alright." I was reminded over and over again as my bridesmaids individually walked down the aisle.

I had asked my brother to walk me down, and when he thought the engagement was genuine and that Adam was a nice guy he was happy too. But now he had declined, he said 'I will do it for your next one, I promise.'

All of the bridesmaids were soon gone, each of them had done the thing I've been dreading since the moment we got engaged, they had all successfully walked down that aisle with a genuine smile.

"I kind of think it's your turn now." I heard from behind me, I knew that Dutch accent anywhere, I'd been longing to here it since I left to Australia.

"Oh you think?" I asked him, my heart rate was going crazy and my palms were sweating, "I don't think I can do this Max."

He was dressed smartly, so fucking smartly, his hair was styled and he had his watch on, the one he claimed he wore to special occasions but this felt everything but special, "If anyone can do this it's you liv." He shrugged shoving his hands in his pockets.

"You want me to do this?" I asked him quietly, smoothing out the skirt on my dress once again, he shook his head before saying, "I still haven't figured out how to sit across from you and not be madly in love with everything you do, so even if you do this, I'm still going to love you Liv."

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