thirty seven

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Adam was the most complicated and frustrating person I had ever met until I came across Jos Verstappen, but I'd still rather my chances with Jos, "Wife, surprised you came by so soon."

She closed her eyes, "What do you want from me Adam?" She asked sounding resigned, a tear slipping down her cheek that Adam begged to wipe away with his thumb, an odd protectiveness bubbling inside him.

Adam didn't know what he wanted from her, he just wanted her. She haunted his thoughts and invaded his dreams until she was the only thing he could see. And he also knew that being with her was one of the only few times he felt alive.

"I want you Livvy." He didn't need to dress the truth up with flowery language; it was powerful enough on its own, "I don't care that you got me fucking arrested anymore, I want you again."

A hard swallow disrupted the delicate lines of her throat, "And why's that? Why refuse to sign the divorce papers?"

"Because I still love you Olivia."

It was something that baffled Adam, that he could still love the woman who had the police called on him. The woman that had him arrested for life. The woman whom he hated so much that he would've killed.

"Why Adam, why do you figure that out now?" Olivia asked him, sat across from him behind the safety glass provided for visiting hours.

All he could do was think. She's esoteric, luminous, distinct even. Her aura is that intriguing as soon as she steps foot in the room, people stare and watch her with awe. She's intimidating, yet beautiful inside and out. She doesn't take no for an answer. Anything she had ever been passionate about she's executed and conquered successfully.

She doesn't sit around and waste time, she is too busy making every moment fucking magical. It doesn't matter what people think about her. Her focus never was and never will be on small talk. She has better things to do like becoming a better woman.

Her undivided attention is on self growth, she doesn't care about the he/she said, or if anyone believes her. She doesn't care if people are going to pick up and leave. All she knows is what she has to offer is plenty, and anyone who wants to walk away from that... that's on them.

Adam pressed his hand to the glass in the hopes she would do the same but wasn't surprised when the action didn't follow through from her end, "So many reasons liv."

She sighed at him, the only reason she was even there was because Henry had advised going to see him about why he wouldn't sign the divorce papers. Applying for a divorce can be a difficult decision to make, especially if you're not sure your partner will sign your petition. Crucially though, you don't need your partner's consent to get a divorce. Although it may be a long process if your partner doesn't comply, they won't be able to stop you indefinitely.

"Well you could've loved me when we were together," I shook my head, "if only you had come to that realisation sooner."

Adam sighed, sitting back into his wooden chair, looking to the police officer in the corner monitoring their conversation, "It wouldn't have changed anything if I loved you then or not, Verstappens had you under his spell since the day you met him."

I rolled my eyes, "Don't bring him into this."

He began to chuckle as clearly max wasn't something I wanted to be mentioned, "Well I have to ask Olivia, sweet sweet Olivia, how are you boyfriend and girlfriend with him whilst we are still married?"

I raised my brows, "How do you know we're together?" It worried me, people can still visit him, people can still inform him on my life, my whereabouts. What if he makes friends in here? What if they come out and find me?

He shrugged, picking at his nails, "It doesn't take a genius, you did just confirm it though wifey."

I resorted to begging as I grabbed another paper out of my bag, "Please, Adam, just sign the damn divorce papers."

He looked at them and back up to me, "You already sent me these, I don't need to see them again liv."

"Well you need to sign them so apparently you do have to look at them again." I told him, I knew that he didn't have to sign them for us to get divorced, Henry knew that too, but the whole process will be a lot easier if we have both signed.

If we go to court with them they will need to have Adam there in person to confirm the divorce and that means him temporarily coming out of jail, we're confident Adam is aware of that fact and is praying to get out whilst he can, "Liv, if it makes your life harder then maybe you should've thought about not marrying me in the first place."

"Trust me that idea crossed my mind more than once." I told him, teeth gritted, arms crossed, as long as we were confident he was aware of the divorce papers then all would be okay in court, know we were fully aware that he had acknowledgement of the divorce.

He scowled at me, "Do you know what's been crossing my mind lately? That one time when you and Josh-

"Oh shut up, that was ages ago." I told him, getting more and more aggravated now, he knew how to test my limits, "I was a kid then."

"I don't know many kids that are snorting lines intoxicated .." Adam whispered to me so the officer in the room wouldn't hear it, but just as easily he could shout it and have me arrested instantly.

"Try me Adam, really," I leaned as close to the glass as possible, "Because I remember who else was there, you're just as guilty as I am, and I can prove it too."

"Liv... I'm already in prison. Telling them that does fuck all to me but a world of difference to you... remember that." He snapped back, leaning on the back of his seat comfortably. Dickhead.

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