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24th March:

Luckily the distance between Australia and Monaco is many hours, 22hrs from Sydney to be specific, so I had plenty of time to mentally prepare myself for the raging whirlwind that is my boyfriend.

We have a house together in New York and another one in Australia, well he owns them both and I just live there, he asked me to move in three years ago and of course I accepted. But I just couldn't let go of my little Monaco apartment.

And it's done me a world of good, keeping my own private space, "So Olivia, Who the fuck was it? I know it wasn't Danny." Adam started he was stood in my living room and I cursed myself for giving him a key.

Wouldn't it have been funny if I he had flown twenty two hours to yell at me and then I didn't even let him into the apartment?

"And how do you know that?" I quizzed, he saw my Instagram caption and I knew it was only a matter of time before he would see it and want to argue over it.

"Because I called him!"

I audibly gasped the sarcasm seeping through, "Oh shocker, you're obsessed with my brother."

"And you're probably obsessed with another man." He retorted, he doesn't even remotely trust me.

"Seriously? You think we have a fight and then I go find some other guy to obsess over?" I was angry too now, Adam is so quick to assume shit.

"Yeah I do think that!"

"You know that's fucking rich coming from you." I told him, the whole reason that I came to the Monaco apartment in the first place was because he was mad at me for going out without him, the fact I didn't come home afterwards also, he assumed I went home with one of the guys.

He didn't even comprehend the fact I stayed with Daniel and didn't believe me until he called him himself.

"Jesus what am I going to be accused of now." He rolled his eyes.

"Well, we all know I don't have brown hair extensions so I wonder who those belonged to in the last house. Oh and the time I found a bra under the bed that drfinetly easnt mine, oh and how can we forget about the-

"Oh my god! For once in your life shut up." He yelled, silently, I was just praying that he would get so loud Max would hear and- I don't know. Call the cops? It's 3am, if my music was bothering him earlier on this week surely this shouting would bother him.

"For once in your life stop sleeping with other women! We're together Adam!" It was sad really that I had to remind him of that fact, we've been together for so long but he still seems to forget.

"You're only with me for the money, don't act like you care." He accused, that was his excuse for everything, that I was only with him for the money.

"Oh my god." I mumbled, head in my hands.

"Don't act like it's not true."

"You know," I paused "You really have hurt me so so many times."

He scoffed, "Likewise."

"I can't do this Adam, I really can't." I told him truthfully, it was paining the whole back and forth.

He stood closer to me, his voice raised again, "Don't say that Olivia, that's pathetic. That's so fucking weak. We have one little argument and you're ready to call it quits? Wow."

I remained silent hoping he would just eventually tire himself out, he continued, "I- no you know what's worse, I have to put up with you day to day, all of your slutty Instagram posts, your snide comments, your little money, the fact you are ultimately the less impressive Ricciardo sibling and I'm still here!"


He had his hands on the side of his head, "You're fake Olivia! So fucking fake! You don't listen to me ever, you don't do anything I want. You say I am everything to you and you still shut me out! I'm the only reason your business is afloat, the reason you have a roof over your head and you treat me like shit! But I'm still here Liv!"

"I know." I nodded, he opened his arms wide and I can't help but fall into them, I'm already a failure, if I leave him now I look even worse, "I'm really sorry Adam."

"Yeah, I get it." He nodded, but he doesn't get it. He never will, no matter how hard he tries, and in the same way, I won't ever get him. No matter how hard I try. Trust me, I've tried, "Hey can I get in the shower? Economy flights make me feel a bit gross." He said wrinkling his nose up, always thinking he is better than everyone else.

"Yeah, of course, you know where it is." I told him, stepping back from his embrace as he walked through to the bathroom, I know he hates this apartment but it's rather convenient.

Without another word he shut the door behind him and climbed in the shower, twenty minutes, that's all the time I have, I left the apartment and climbed up the stairs to the next floor, tears in my eyes, to the one directly above mine, knocking on the door harshly.

"Olivia?" I heard his voice before he managed to fully open the door, oh thank god.

"Max." I replied my eyes filling to the brim with tears, my heart rate increasing rapidly, nineteen minutes until he's out and we're arguing again. 1140 seconds. That's how long it will take for things to get ugly, the mentally abusive words are nothing. It's when it escalates . Then it's a problem.

"What's wrong?" He asked stepping forward, his arm coming around my shoulders instantly. He's the only person I know in this building.

"Everything." I replied, voice muffled as my face is up against his chest "Everything is wrong."

"I heard yelling," Max admitted, his arm rubbing my back up and down "Show me what's wrong liv, show me your true colours."

"They're ugly." I said flatly.

He shook his head "Not to me. You'll never be ugly to me liv." World champion max verstappen wouldn't have expected going to bed that night that Liv Ricciardo would end up at his door sobbing.

"I still can't feel anything," my voice is deep. low. I lean forward to him, "I think it's gone."

He's frowning "What's gone? What did he do Olivia?" He'd put the pieces together, despite the yelling still being muffled he had his ear pressed to the floor trying his best to listen. Just in case something went wrong. Just in case Olivia needed him. He hasn't had her out of his mind for more than a second since they met properly.

I tap the centre of my chest, "My heart. I don't think I have one. My chest is hollow." He gently wiped my tears away with his thumb, cupping the side of my face with his hands.

"Those sounds Olivia.... What happened?" Max asked, not being able to fully get the sentence out of his mouth without his heart breaking.

Had he woken up to the sound of our arguing? It was three in the morning after all?

I couldn't answer him, I couldn't do anything, I just stayed in his arms. Humiliation wasn't even the half of it. Max pulled away, holding my face as he gave me one of those heartbreaking smiles.

He began, "Liv if there's anything, ever, please come to me. I'm always here-

If only I was always here.

I couldn't wait him out, what was I doing? Rushing to my brothers pal for help? "Thank you max, I will. Please, please, don't tell Danny about this." I begged him, suddenly facing my own embarrassment as I stared at his now tear stained shirt.

"Liv are-

"I have to go, thank you again." I told him, wiping my face off with my sleeve and hurrying back down to my apartment, I have to be there before adams out of the shower. He'll be mad at me anyway when he repeats our whole argument in his head in the shower, but it will be worse if I'm with another guy.

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