Chapter 20

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Pete POv

I have been enjoying my date with Vegas this where I feel the most relaxed just seeing him smile and look full enamored with me as do I to him.

I catch a glimpse of movement behind Vegas and for some reason I stare at the person's back because they look oddly familiar. The person turns around and I see Porsche also look at me with wide eyes.

"Porsche?" I yell and he runs away towards the exit.

Vegas looks pissed now which isn't a good thing. I stand up quickly with Vegas behind me. There is constant gasps and stares but I couldn't give less of a fuck. I want to know why that bitch is here and if I have to chase him down so be it.

I run down the side walk still seeing his back a few meters infront of me but I am slowly closing in on him.

He takes a quick left and I follow but apparently Vegas caught on to where he was going before me because we have him trapped on both sides of the alleyway.

"You have no where to run Porsche! So it's time to start talking!" Vegas yells as we start to close in on him.

"Please let me live you all! I swear I am here in peace actually you guys can help me!" Porsche says sounding desperate and like he will have tears coming out of his eyes soon.

I feel sympathy for Porsche because he seems to be alone. Kinn seems nowhere to be found so I think I can trust him a little bit not fully.

"Okay why do you need our help?" I ask feeling a surprised look from Vegas but I don't look his way.

"Please understand that the whole situation is complicated. See kinn's father has our daughter held captive. The only way to get her back safely as promised from him is to bring your family back to Thailand. I am not saying go with me but Kinn is too brainwashed to see what his manipulative father is doing. The other bodyguards and I have been trying to make it so Kinn sees the reality but ever since I have became kinn's wife the other bodyguards have been increasing their mistrust towards me and they are the only way I can see my daughter without the father and son duo not knowing. Please help me get my daughter back because my boyfriend won't." At this point Porsche is sobbing showing vulnerability to his so called enemies but in reality they are only enemies to kinn's father and now kinn; nobody else.

Vegas looks at me then back down to Porsche. My heart says to help him because I couldn't image if Vegas's father were alive and took Venice or even Macau away from me. I would probably be in the same position as Porsche. But Porsche isn't exactly innocent in this situation either he has also caused my family pain. I am really torn but I look to Vegas and it looks like he has already made his decision on the situation which it doesn't look like a positive one.

"Porsche, do you honestly think you have done nothing wrong to my family? Even though Kinn is the brains of the operation with his father doesn't mean you haven't been innocent the whole time. You have been side by side with Kinn whenever he came to take Macau or me or Pete or even our baby, Venice. So you have a lot of nerve showing your face to us let alone asking for help." Vegas says pissed off because he hates seeing useless people in-front of him especially people that tried to hurt his family.

"So in conclusion we will not-"Vegas get cut off. "We will help you Porsche." I say getting a stern look from Vegas. I go in front of Porsche who looks at me dumbfounded.

I grab both of Porsche's hands and pull him to his feet.

"I know you have done some questionable stuff to us but you doing it all in the name of protecting your daughter. In all honesty I would do the same for any of my family. So why not help a fellow mother out?" I say trying to hide my nervousness about possibly making the wrong decision and this all being a trap.

Porsche looks relieved and thankful. We head out of the alleyway with Vegas in tow. We make it towards the house we are staying in. I open the door to see Jay, Beomhan and Macau playing monopoly while Venice is sitting in a high chair just watching.

They look up in our direction and Macau practically runs to put Venice in his arms to protect him. Jay and beomhan look confused as to why Macau is acting that way towards the third person joining us.

"Macau, I am not here to mean harm. Your brother and in law have promised to help me I come here in peace. So you can relax!" Porsche says which after Macau looks over his shoulders to me and Vegas's direction and we both nod.

Macau puts Venice back in his high chair and instantly starts whining and making grubby hands towards me. I go towards him and pick him up and softly bounce him on my hip. He calms down and I take him towards me and Vegas's room.

I lay him on the bed as I change out of my work/date clothes and into shorts and a T-shirt. I can't believe I am really helping the person that tried to take my family away from me a person who triggered something so bad that it made me do something worse, a person- Pete you can't think like this that was Kinn not Porsche who did that.

I sit next to Venice who is currently napping in my lap as I one handed read the files that beomhan is making me read.

Macau comes thru the door softly and immediately comes and lays on my right shoulder I wrap my right arm around him instantly.

"Why is he here? Won't he lead the others towards us as well?" Macau says holding back his true emotions.

"He will be watched throughly by your brother and we still have connections to keep us safe. He only needs our help to get his daughter back with out Kinn or your uncle finding out." I say rubbing both of my "babies" backs.

"Since when did they have a daughter? And if so why did they want Venice as their child?" Macau asks.

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