Chapter 17

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Vegas POV

I quickly exit the room after telling Pete, to get packed. I sent a message to nop earlier too. My friends that are going to help us were once in a similar situation to us. Their names are Jay and Beomhan, the have been living Taiwan for years on the low because Jay was indebt to loan sharks after he lost a competition in Korea.

I have a feeling that Pete and Beomhan will get along especially with them both living in fear.

I slowly make my way to the reception desk to get the discharge papers. I told nop to send a car to the hospital but send the boys to the airport and wait because we will be there soon.

"Hi sir, how can I help you?" The nurse at the desk asks.

"I need to discharge Pete theerapanyakun. We got the okay from the nurse last night." I say partially lying but I ain't got time for the nurse to actually discharge us this is between life and death.

"Okay, I will print off the paper work now so that you can sign. Will your billing address be the same?" she asks as she swivels towards the printer.

"Yes!" I say signing the papers also looking out to see if Kinn left any men that would prevent us from leaving.

That is weird I have yet to see any indication that we are being watched.

"Okay that is all here is your copy. You will be expecting a bill in a week." She says I grab the papers from her and walk back towards Pete's room.

I hope he is ready our flight is in an hour. We are taking the private jet to be less suspicious and not having to hide and dodge people in an airport.

I walk in to see Pete dressed and packed like I had told him to be before I left.

"We are ready to go! But first one thing before we leave, this is to protect you in case someone tries to stop us from leaving. There is a car it will be a royal blue color this is the car that nop has waiting for us. Remember this if we get separated and the last thing is; I love you!" I confess sternly and lean and peck Pete's lips.

I hand him the gun and he has nothing to say. It is a little unnerving at this time. If he said something at this time I would feel a little more relaxed.

He heads to the door with his overnight bag that I brought the pervious day. As he is about to turn the knob, he stops and turns around to face me. But it takes me by surprise because I was right behind him. This bring us to the position of our faces being like 2 centimeters away from each other.

He leans and pecks my lips like what I had did to him a few minutes ago.

"I love you too. I believe we can get through this only if we are together." He says pulling me close and resting our foreheads together.

We stay like that for a couple of seconds and then he heads out first. He hurries to an exit door closest to us.

As I see him go through while I am only a few seconds behind I get stopped by a force that knocks me over.

I look up to see a man that is wearing a black ski mask and an all black suit. I know he is the one that Kinn put to block us from getting out. I am a little rusty on my fighting skills since I haven't had to use them in so long.

I still square up. The man of course throws a hard first punch but I dodge it swiftly and knee him in the stomach because he missed. As his hands go to his stomach, I don't give him enough time to respond and use my right fist to punch him across the face.

I run to the exit door that is located thankfully in a unused part of the hospital. I head out the door only to hear...

"Bang.... Bang..."

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