Chapter 22

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Vegas pov

Why the hell did we have to see Porsche? Why did we chase him? Why did we bring him here and promise to help him take his daughter back? Why did Kinn have to come now? I ask myself all these questions as I head towards Pete and I's room.

I open the door to find him not there but I look to the right in the direction of Macau and Venice's room, the light is on and I hear talking. I walk in to see my family happily talking quietly because Venice is in his crib fast asleep.

Once they see me in the door frame, Macau lays back in his bed finishing the conversation with my wife. My wife then turns to me with a knowing look and gives me a one minute sign before turning and kissing both of our "sons" on the forehead. 

I follow him out as he quietly closes the door. In silence I follow him to our room. Once he is in the room he stops in the middle of the room back facing me and I take this opportunity to go up behind him and wrap my arms around his waist. His hands hold mine. 

"What did Porsche tell you?" Pete says starting to sway us back in fourth just enjoying our touch.

"Well when I went to talk to him, he was taking a phone call. He later tells me that the phone call was Kinn and that Kinn is here in Taipei..."I feel Pete tense at that statement but I just kiss the back of his neck and he seems to calm down immediately."... He also told me all about his daughter and how much of a kissass Kinn is to our uncle. So I don't know exactly if we should help him or not? Because even though you are now a mom of Venice; The whole situation to get Porsche's daughter back without Kinn killing us would be a suicide mission for everyone in our family." I say.

Pete unlocks my arms to look at me directly in the eyes. His expression tells me I said the wrong thing. 

"What the Fuck you mean you understand him but won't help him Vegas? What if Venice and Macau were taken from us and we had to just see them a few times with every chance being a risk? What if your father was still alive and I was in the same scenario as Porsche? You weren't exactly accepting of criticism when your father was still alive. So, I don't care what you think or want, I am going to help Porsche with or without you. I will be sleeping in the boys room tonight because I think you need to be by yourself to see how fucked and selfish your way of thinking is." Pete grabs his pajamas and slams the door. Not listening to my pleas for him not to leave. 

I lay on the bed and get lost in my imagination because I know without Pete next to me I won't be able to sleep. 

Kinn pov

I arrived in Taiwan and was immediately driven from the airport to the safe house awaiting the view of my beloved wife. But instead I was met with an empty house and the bodyguards saying that my wife left on his own accord. 

When I heard that Porsche left the compound even after having did the mission, I seen red. I immediately call Porsche after calming down so I don't scare him even though as soon as he gets in this house he is going to regret ever leaving it.

K: Where the fuck are you? I got notified you aren't at the safehouse.

P:I am at a club. I already got the money I came here for so why don't I enjoy myself a little?

He says he is at a club but yet I hear no music or people. My wife seems to be bad at lying even though he was trained to protect my family. 

K:You already have me. Why would you want to go to a club without informing me, unless to cheat on me?

P: Babe, I am not cheating on you. I am just relaxing besides I am supposed to come back in two days. You will be fine until then.

He honestly thought I was going to allow him to go on a mission without me coming to check up on him. I love him and trust him but I am sorry to say I have abandonment issues. 

K:What if I told you I am in standing in the Master bedroom of the safehouse in Taipei right now? What would you do then? Come back home just for me?

The other side of the line goes silent after I say that. I know now that he knows he is caught. But my wife is stubborn as hell when it comes to situations like this. 

I take this silence as time to look at the one bodyguard I have tracing this call and he shakes his head meaning that Porsche is probably using a burner phone. My lucky wife.

P:Babe, you know I love you but I have more important matters to attend to so unfortunately I won't be your bedwarmer tonight. Thank you, good night!


He hung up on me. This bitch hung up on me. Oh! when I see this slut he is going to fucking regret it. But at the moment it can't be helped. If he wants his freedom over being with me then I am not stopping him. But what he doesn't know is our daughter is in her room here sound asleep without a worry because her father is here to protect her. But clearly her mother doesn't want to come back and hear my explanation on how I got her back from my father.

But with do time he will come back and he will have to handle things with me before he ever gets to reconcile with her. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25 ⏰

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