Chapter 21

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Porsche POV

I wasn't meaning to get caught in that restaurant. I wasn't meaning to be seen or chased into that alleyway. I just want my daughter. I was sent to Taipei because Kinn needed to stay with his father in Thailand but here was an investment deal, I had to sign off on as part of my duties as Kinn's lover.

I have come across multiple instances where I want to just take the money and fly to Seoul or secluded village in Japan. I want to be free so I can find my daughter and just get out of the prison my lover's family put me in, in the name of power.

There is nothing in my power that can force Vegas and Pete to trust me again but I believe since Pete is now a mother too. He will understand the exact feelings that I am now feeling or at least he can imagine. I am in the guest room that a guy named Beomhan had lead me to. I take a shower and feel free but I can't be too relaxed I have to be aware of my surroundings because not only am I with the two men my fiancée has to kill for his honor of boss but also I left the safe house that is well guarded and surveyed.

I take my burner phone that is untraceable and call Kinn. He answers immediately but he doesn't sound friendly like I expected.

K: Where the fuck are you? I got notified you aren't at the safehouse.

P:I am at a club. I already got the money I came here for so why don't I enjoy myself a little?

K:You already have me. Why would you want to go to a club without informing me, unless to cheat on me?

P: Babe, I am not cheating on you. I am just relaxing besides I am supposed to come back in two days. You will be fine until then.

K:What if I told you I am in standing in the Master bedroom of the safehouse in Taipei right now? What would you do then? Come back home just for me?

I can tell his tone is condescending and I know if I don't go there he will search the whole city maybe even the whole island. I need to get out of this house but not gain suspicion from Pete or Vegas. But also at the same time the opportunity for help to find my daughter won't come up again.

It is time where I have to choose between my daughter and my boyfriend. I calm put the phone back to my ear. I cut off Kinn's rant and threats about me being where I am supposed to be.

P:Babe, you know I love you but I have more important matters to attend to so unfortunately I won't be your bedwarmer tonight. Thank you, good night!


I hang up the phone if he wasn't constantly kissing his father's ass, maybe I would have went back to the safe house and stayed with him and be happy he is in the same country as me. I take a deep breath and think about only my daughter; when the time comes I will explain to Kinn why I wanted to do this alone.

"I take it... that was Kinn on the phone."

I hear Vegas's voice from behind me. I turn around to face the door and see that he is glaring at me. There is always trust issues in this fucking family, it is annoying when family gatherings happen because you can't talk to anyone from the other side without them thinking that you are a spy. But in all honesty with how this family runs, I don't blame them.

"Not that I am interested in you but in all honesty why do you stay with him? And what are you talking about when you say Korn took your daughter? Last time I had visited that house before my father died you were taking care of her, so what happened?" Vegas says coming to sit on the desk that was in the corner of the room.

Of course my eyes followed him, he is handsome but at the same time think of who my lover is... I can't trust anyone.

"I stay with him because, I love him, just like how even though I think Pete has Stockholm syndrome; he stays with you. Now about my daughter you know your uncle and you know how much he hates your family so in order to have leverage over Kinn and I for some reason he decided that he want to hold our daughter for ransom and send her to a private location that is heavily monitored. Until we get you, Pete and the boys kneeling in front of him." I say feeling my breathing fasten.

"But you are friends with the bodyguards right? They were once your own people so why aren't they available to help you? Oh wait is it because they can't trust you anymore and they don't want to die because your boyfriend and your stupid, psychopathic father in-law?" Vegas says grinning.

I know he knows the serious point of this situation but it is just this family being this family in all honesty; they always want to one up each other when they get the chance.

"They don't trust me because although, I have made sure many of times that she is fine and very much alive and breathing, I don't exactly know when is the time to leave from checking up on her. They think I raise suspicions because every time I leave that place crying the whole ride back from where she is being held because I don't know if Korn will move her if he finds out I am there. And since Kinn is a bitch to his father, I never told him I see her sometimes and care for her. Because if he were to find out he would cause a bigger problem and probably blame me instead of his father for getting her taken away." By the end of my rant I am balling my eyes out.

My lover put me in such a position that every step I take closer to my daughter I have to worry about her and my safety be myself. My lover/husband/boyfriend whatever you want to call him will forever put his father before me and even though I understand the family first part, I think I should also be considered his family.

"Okay fine we will help you! But how do you want us to do this? You care about Kinn but if we try to take your daughter using force then won't we need to hurt his father and if we hurt Korn won't Kinn retaliate? I also want to say even though it is not my place to say this but after this whole thing is said and done I think you should revaluate your relationship with Kinn because if ain't putting your daughter first and of course his lover, you should be with him." Vegas says proceeding to the door.

"I don't exactly have a plan thought of yet to get my daughter but be careful of your children because Kinn is currently in the safe house here in Taiwan waiting for me. This is not a threat but instead just information." I say.

I see his hand clench into a fist but he doesn't look back and goes out and closes the door leaving me to my own thoughts and worries.

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