Chapter 15

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Pete's POV

I wake up with an IV in my arm and the sounds of the heart monitor beeping.

I am still alive.

I feel a tear slowly fall down my cheek.

I am sorry, Vegas.

I can't believe I let that guy get to me once again. I had to deal with him when I was younger but I thought once I escaped and grew up that the sight of him wouldn't have an effect on me.

I can't believe I was selfish and was trying to take my own life instead of thinking about my own family. But once I got back home it almost seemed as though I wasn't myself but that around thing took over me and made that decision for me.

I hear the door open and look up hoping to see my family looking at me but instead I see Kinn and Porsche. I gulp in nervousness knowing I am in no position to put up a fight.

"What's up, Pete? No feeling the best i suppose?" Kinn remarks sarcastically with a smirk.

"Where is Vegas? Are the kids safe?" I ask not expecting an actual reply but actually to change the topic because I hate people seeing me weak.

"I haven't seen him but that isn't a thought that I want to weigh on. I have come here to make you an offer. I-"Kinn gets interrupted by the nurse yelling down the hallway.

"I seen to men go into patient 17's room. There should be no visitors! Get them out of this hospital immediately and away from disturbing the patient." She says and with the heavy foot steps behind her it doesn't sound like she is alone.

"We will talk another time ... , Pete." Kinn says grabbing Porsche's hand and swiftly making their way to the door and looking both ways before going the opposite way of where the foot steps are coming from.

I feel my heart beat to the unknown of situation Kinn might eventually put me in.

"Sir... Are you okay? Did they do anything to you?" The nurse asks while coming in the room with 2 security guards following in suit.

"No! They... they didn't." I say looking down so that she couldn't see into my soul.

"Okay. But you should be resting. You will have visitors tomorrow that may make you more stressed." She says which makes me confused.

"May I ask whom these people are?" I ask giving into my curiosity.

"I believe one said that he was your husband and he was holding a baby. While an older boy was lying asleep on his arm waiting for your results earlier. He said he would sue the hospital if we didn't let him see you tomorrow. He said that after I told him that he can't see you today." She says sounding strict.

Meanwhile, I am surprised by the fact that Vegas didn't bust in here as soon as the nurse told him that he can't see me. Maybe he has matured more than I am giving him credit for.

"It is 10pm. I suggest you rest I think you will have an eventful day tomorrow."the nurse says then shuts off all the lights and everyone leaves the room.

I am left in my own thoughts that will prove to be the reason as to why I can't sleep until around 3 am.

I get frightened awake by the feelings of lips on my cheek along with a wet sensation being left behind.

I open my eyes to see the seen I was hoping to see yesterday but instead got Kinn and Porsche. But now my imagination has come true.

"Pete, you are awake! That stupid bitch of a nurse wouldn't let me see you yesterday so I made it the boys and my mission to come bright and early. I missed you even though it has been less than 24 hours. Now I believe you have something to tell me?" He says looking for expectantly at me.

I know I have to tell him the reason but I, myself still don't even know the complete reason yet.

"What do you want me to say?" I say looking away from them.

"Pete, I want to know the reason you are in this bed and not in our bed at home? What caused you to be selfish and put yourself in here instead of healing with family? Huh?" He is weeping. His tough guy, mafia boss persona leaving as he grasps my hand as if afraid to loose me.

Macau comes and hands me Venice whom I hold tightly to my chest and feel Macau lean in and hug me as well making me feel the warmth that this hospital hasn't supplied me with the hours I have been here.

"Vegas this is something to talk about when the boys are not here. I will tell you everything but for now all I can do is apologize on making you go thru this." I say feeling as though all the air in my lungs has left me unable to speak.

Time Skip~

Eventually Vegas tells Nop to take the boys home so that him and I can have some alone time.

"Vegas, yesterday I was as though I didn't have control over my own body. I was though something came over me and made me cut even though I haven't done it since I first escaped from that orphanage. I know you are probably skeptical of what I am saying but I lov-" I get cut off by such an annoying voice anxd even though Vegas's back is to the door he knows what is up too and grabs my hand for comfort.

"Pete~ we are here to finish our conversation that was rudely cut off yesterday. Oh look my psychotic cousin is also here. You all have the best timing because with both of you here it saves me time from having to look for you all individually." Porsche is hiding behind the cocky Kinn when this is said.

"What conversation were you having with my wife yesterday? Kinn?" Vegas says sounding pissed as he talks thru his teeth.

"Oh Vegas! You know I just wanted to make a deal with him to test his commitment to his family." Kinn says looking over Vegas's shoulder to make eye contact with me.

"And what does that deal consist of Kinn?" Vegas emphasized every word almost spitting in Kinn's face.

"The deal about... leaving you."

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