Chapter 12

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Pete POV

Time Skip~

It has been 3 months since we began living in my apartment. Everybody is always enjoying each others company. Vegas has actually been proving his statement about becoming a good father , brother and husband.

I started to run my shop again. I know Vegas had feelings about it but I really don't care about his opinion. We have yet to see Kinn or Porsche since the confrontation. Which I am happy about, given the threat they gave last time.

I am in my shop, stocking the shelves late at night and all of a sudden I feel arms wrap around my waist and a chin on my shoulder.

"You know I don't like you working alone at night"

"Vegas, this is what keeps me at peace okay? I have so much that I have to do now and sometimes I wish I could go back to just being a single shop worker with no other commitments." I say enjoying the warmth of Vegas behind me.

"Pete, I apologize for taking you away from your easy life and bringing you into my stressful, chaotic, harsh life. I am happy with the family we have now and even just being able for you to comfort me even by talking to me. I know we are still in hiding because of Kinn and also the unrest that my father's death caused but it has brought us closer even if you don't want to admit it." He says pressing a kiss to the nape of my neck.

I close my eyes and just enjoy the slow and sentimental kisses that are being pressed from my nape to my back.

"Vegas, that day ... How did Kinn even know about me and threaten me with life changing things such as, changing our son to be theirs and planning to sell me off? I know you have enemies but the fact that your own cousin said that you and Macau owe him your lives is a little confusing. I will admit that even though you put me through a lot I still care about you and I will be completely honest and say I do have deep feelings for you." I say turning around to meet eyes with him.

"Pete, There was way too many things that were in that sentence but the only one I care about talking about, is the one about your feelings towards me. You already know my feelings towards you and know we started off on a rough start but will you give me a chance to start over and make it right? I want to take you out on a date so you can see the real and changed me. I admit that being away from that mansion has done Macau and I some good but it probably is better for you and Venice. So about that date what do you say?" He asks with a pleading look in his eyes.

"I accept your offer." I say leaning up and kissing him on the lips and then trying to pull away but he doesn't allow me.

We kiss passionately and feeling the warmth of each other's bodies. As my arms go around his neck, his arms go to my waist and squeeze it tightly. I gasp at the sudden feeling and he uses it to his advantage and sticks his tongue in my mouth and explores the space. As we are still kissing he brings his hands up to unbutton my shirt. He unbuttons the first two with hast and drags kisses from my mouth to my collarbones.

"Ahhh.. V-Vegas w-weeee ha-ve to s-s-stop." I moan out not feeling a sensation this good before.

I feel his face go away from my collarbones. We are finally eye level and with his signature on his face.

"Why would we stop? It is clearly making you feel good and maybe so good we can make Venice a brother,aye?" He says cockily.

"Vegas say one more thing like that and I will kick you off onto the street and not go on that date with you." I retort.

"I am sorry, I am sorry! I will leave now go back to you shelf stocking I think I heard Venice crying." He then backs away and goes through the back door which leads to the stairs up to the apartment.

I just smile and get back to work so I can go back home to my happy family.

Time skip~

I finished my work and am now home making dinner for my family. I am holding Venice in my arm as I am cooking and the two brothers are playing games in the living room.

"You can't do that!"

"Yes, I can!"




"Vegas, Macau! Dinner is done and stop yelling you are going to scare Venice." I say as I look down at my baby and see him smiling back cutely at me.

Everything is silent as they walk into the dining room like puppies with their tails between their legs and heads down.

We all sit and dig in. I put Venice in his high chair and slowly feed him some curry and rice.

"Pete is there anyway I can move into Venice's room?" Macau asks randomly.

"What's wrong with sleeping in my bed Macau?" I ask suspicious of this being Vegas's doing.

"Well, I feel bad because bro sleeps on the couch every night and you guys are practically husband and wife. So I feel like I am in the way of you guys sleeping together. There is also an extra bed which you have been using in your own room just because you gave me your bed. I can move that extra bed in Venice's room and everything is said and done." Macau says.

"Okay if that is what you want I don't see an issue with it but if I find out your brother asked you to do this he better sleep with one eye open." I say smirking when I hear Vegas choke a little.

I clean up the left overs as Everybody gets ready for bed. I do the dishes then head to my room. I see Vegas laying on the bed with only the lamp on and reading a few files.

I grab my pajamas from the closet and head to the bathroom and do my nightly routine.

I comeback to the room to find that Vegas seems to have been done with his files and is now just staring at me. I get into my side of my bed and turn my back to him while trying to make my head comfortable on the pillow. As I close my eyes to go into dream land, I feel a body spoon mine and give little kisses on my nape and just before I hit a deep sleep, I hear...

"Tomorrow, on our date I will show you that I am the man that you will want to spend the rest of your life with and that is a promise."

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