Chapter 6

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Vegas Pov

I walk out of the door and head to my office with the kiss still on my mind. I have to look for a client's profile because my dad is making me go with him to a meeting tomorrow.

All is quiet while I am clicking on my computer. All of sudden I hear Venice crying. I get up from my desk and rush to the room I hear the crying from. I pick up Venice and rock him.

"Why are you crying little guy?" I say not really expecting an answer.

Eventually he settles down and I sit in the rocking chair that was in the nursery. Nobody told anything about a nursery being in my room. I look around admiring the cuteness of the room but inside I wish Pete and I could have done all of this together.

I hear feet running down the hallway to the nursery. I know who it is but I don't know how to prevent it from being awkward so I just keep my face looking at Venice who is looking back at me with his puffy eyes.

"Oh you got him." I hear and look up.

"Yeah I came as soon as I heard him crying." I say while looking up to see Pete's head down, eyes facing the floor.

Pete comes near me head still down and opens his arms to take Venice from me;which makes me pull Venice closer to me. Venice has finally drifted back to sleep.

"What you do think? I can't hold my son?" I ask kind of pissed that Pete had the audacity to try to take my son from me.

"No that is not what I meant. I know you are busy so I figured Venice was preventing you from doing your work." He says calmly still not looking at me.

I set Venice down in his crib and grab Pete's hand and walk out of the nursery. I drag him into my office,  even though, he is trying to pull away from me. I put him against the front of my desk and cage him there. Our faces are extremely close together and I take the opportunity to look at his plump lips that I want to feel again.

"What are you doing? Vegas!" He says glaring at me.

I wrap my arms around him and just start crying into his shoulder. All my walls are collapsing because of Pete.

"Vegas, what's wrong?" Pete asks, Wrapping his arms around me too.

"Just want to relax in comfort for a minute." I say as I pull him closer to me by his waist.

"Vegas please don't do this please let go." I hear he say desperately.

I pull away. But I am too curious so I couldn't stop my mouth from asking,

"Why did you want me to pull away?" I ask him sternly.

"I-I... Vegas I can't be the person you seek comfort in . We aren't in that kind of relationship. You forced me, kidnapped me to be here with you. I have still not forgiven you because it all happen in the pass 24 hours. I found that I am basically having an arranged marriage to a person whom I don't really know, I have a baby with him now, and I am part of a dysfunctional mafia family; whose leader, your dad, is manipulative and abusive as fuck. Vegas I need time. For any other person they would have already had a panic attack with what I have gone through in barely one whole day. So I don't want you to invest and seek comfort and love from me. Because I am not in a stable mindset and I can't keep any promise that at any give moment I will do something bad to you." Pete says calmly staring at me directly into my eyes.

"I already confessed my love/liking for you. Please allow just one person whom I can seek comfort in; you don't even have to love me back just fake it. Yeah fake it so I don't feel so alone. Please!" I say more tears coming from my eyes.

I know if he agrees to this it will break my heart because then I will need to set boundaries for myself and never go overboard for him.

"Vegas, I don't know if I can do even that. You see I have never been in a relationship or had to deal with other people minus customers, but they come and go; yeah, I might have some regulars but they aren't necessarily permanent people whom are in my everyday life. So I don't know how to show love or affection or even fake it because I don't what it is to feel loved or wanted. I can show it to Venice because it is common sense. So even if I want to fake it I wouldn't know what to do." He says fidgeting with his head now facing the floor.

I lift up his chin with my fingers so that I can look at him in the eyes.

"I will show what it is liked to feel affection and love." I say as I lean forward and kiss him. He seemed unsure at first but I think he finally understood. Once he started kissing back I slowly dragged my hands down him and went to his ass and started groping it. I didn't know I got too into it until he bit my lip. Which made me pull away in surprise.

"Vegas! What are you trying to do? I don't know what your past partners were into but didn't I just tell you that I was unsure of the situation between us a few minutes ago. Yeah I kissed back to see if I actually had it in me to fake it with you but not full on have sex with you; even if it would be feeling-less." Pete says, as he harshly pushes me away and angrily walks out of the room.

I hear our door quietly slam as though he is trying not to wake Venice but also prove to me that he is angry with me.

I honestly am just used to meaningless sex with my cousins boyfriends just to get under his skin. So the fact is is that this feeling of liking or loving a person is completely new to me. I don't know how to express my feelings about how I feel about Pete.

I go back and sit in my desk chair and open a few files. I open one file that is an update about my cousin, Kinn. That states that he has a new bodyguard named Porsche.

'How interesting?' I think, smirking at my desktop.

Now I have a way of having some fun and of possibly making Pete jealous.

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