Chapter 3

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Vegas Pov

"There will be a car arranged to take you to the hospital in 20 minutes. I hope you pick one that will bring honor to our name." Vegas's father says as he stands up from the table and walks out like nothing.

I knew this old man had a fucking trick up his sleeve. My mental health is already in the ground thanks to his abusive ass. Now he is giving a mentally unstable person and a kidnappee, a baby to take just so his "honorable name" can live on. I really wish my uncle would have just shot him already then that would release me from so much stress.

I look at Pete to see his reaction he looks calm but I know inside he is screaming. I had no idea about any of this, from my knowledge this was just suppose to a get to know each other before the whole shotgun marriage fiasco.

"I am sorry. I never got the chance to introduce myself, my name is Macau. I won't be mean or bad to you, I hope we can be friends. And would also like to apologize in place of my father. Because that son a bitch doesn't know the difference between his head and his ass." Macau said to break the awkward silence and smiled.

Pete busted out laughing, I honestly think it was out of shock because of what Macau had said.

"I can tell you guys really hate your father. Even though, I know none of your backgrounds minus being in a mafia. But even I think your father is an asshole so don't worry I am on your guy's team." Pete says with a beautiful smile on his face I hope I can make him smile a lot.

Pete, Macau, and I were enjoying a conversation getting to know each other more. Then a bodyguard comes to interrupt us, which I am annoyed about.

"Sir Vegas and Pete, you car has arrived to take you to the hospital. It is waiting outside." The bodyguard says gulping because even though, he is bowing I know he can still feel my glare.

"We will be right there." I say to dismiss him.

The bodyguard then walked away and Pete look at each other with no emotion.

"Well let's get this over with I know it is way to soon but it is better to just accept it than to fight against it." I said and proceed to walk in front of Pete that I know is silently following behind me.

We get in the car with nothing being said between us.

15 minutes later~

3rd Pov

Vegas and Pete both get out of the car and proceed into the hospital both dreading the reason for being there.

They walk up to the receptionist.

"Hi we are here to possible look at the babies in the maternity ward." Vegas says, knowing they are surrounded by his father's best men; meaning they can't make a run for it without having to put up a fight.

"Oh yes, It is straight down this hall then turn right at the end." the receptionist says.

They follow the directions and eventually come in front a group of around 20 cribs. The boys being labelled with blue hats and blankets and girls having pink hats and blankets.

"Pete you will be at home with the kid the most, due to my "job". I will allow you to pick our child out." Vegas says trying not to smile when saying the end part.

After hearing that Pete proceeds to open the door to the nursery instead of just looking through the glass window.

Even though, Vegas didn't mention a gender Pete knows it can't be a girl. So he skips to the boys area and once he gets to the 4th one in the row he knows that the boy is the one.

Pete couldn't stop making eye contact with the baby. For some reason Pete felt like he need to protect this baby from all the bad stuff and the world. Pete picks up the baby with the help of the nurses in the nursery.

Vegas watched this happen through the window. When Pete picked up the baby is when he decided to see why Pete picked that one.

"Why did you pick this by one?" Vegas asks while looking at the baby from over Pete's shoulder from behind.

"This just seems in some sort of way has a connection with me. And in a way it also looks like you with eyes that seem to be filled with a lot secrets." Pete said still holding the baby without looking at Vegas.

"Nurse we would like this one." Vegas says

"Okay, sir. I will go get the paper work for you to sign." The nurse says and walks a way.

"Are you nervous?" Vegas asks Pete

"No I think he will actually keep me company. Since you kidnapped me and I will also be married to, I think it will be a little boring at times especially with your work. So I think I will actually enjoy having him , whom I consider as my own son."Pete says sounding more relaxed and relieved.

"I -

"Okay here is the paperwork, I will ask you both some questions so I can fill out the adoption papers." the nurse says interrupting Vegas from what he was going to say.

"First,your names"


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