Chapter 13

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Vegas POv

I wake up next to my beautiful, caring, strong...

I should stop now before I get turned on then have to use my hand in place of what I wish I could be using...

Stop it, VEGAS!

I get out of bed and also wake up the Venice and Macau. Venice legit punched me as I was getting him out of his crib. But then automatically falls back to sleep on my shoulder. Macau is also still sitting up in his bed glaring at me like he is going to kill if I make any quick moves.

"Macau, You need to go to school. I will make breakfast but Nop will drop you off." I say walking out that door quickly carrying Venice as I hear a pillow slam into the door behind me just seconds after I closed it.

I go to the kitchen and start making breakfast. Macau's gets done first and he eats quickly then gets into the car waiting for him outside.

I put Venice in the highchair and give him little things of scrambled egg. I watch him while he eats so he doesn't choke. Mine is done I sit next to his chair and we have small meaningless conversations.

I then finish mine and go to make Pete's so that it is warm for him to eat. I take Venice into the living room and have play time with him occasionally getting up to check on everything in the kitchen.

Conveniently, as Pete's breakfast finishes up Venice gets sleepy for a nap. I put him back in his crib carefully and close the door. I go to the kitchen and grab the tray I prepared for my sleeping beauty husband. I walk in hands full, I set in down in the chair close to the bed just so I could kiss my husband awake.

I lean down and look in his eyes but first hover over his forehead lightly press my lips to it. I then proceed to kiss each cheek then the tip of his nose the finally going to the softest spot of his face; his lips.

I lean down just directly looking at his lips, then lightly bite the bottom and watch the plumpness indent then bounce out when I let go. I lean in and closes my eyes and deeply kiss him my tongue already allowed access into his mouth because of his light breaths when he breaths. It takes a few seconds then I feel him kiss back slowly but with the same amount of passion.

I pull back and look back at him wide eyed staring at at me breathing heavily.

I smirk," Good Morning, Beautiful. Sorry to wake you from your sleep but we have a date to go on. And I don't want to be late for any of my reservations."

I get up and grab the tray. I bring it to a still waking up Pete that is still rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

"Babe, you breakfast to start this date off right. Venice is napping and Macau already went to school. Everything has been done so just rest and eat your breakfast." I say while sitting side by side with him as he starts eating.

"Hmm... This is really good Vegas. I think you should cook more often." He says mouth full.

"No honey, your food is way better tasting then mine. Mine is only good because I add love to it when I made it." I say smirking.

"Vegas, please stop being cringey. You are going to make me lose my appetite."

Time Skip~

"Vegas, Are you sure we can leave Venice with the nannies? If he gets hurt in even a small way I am killing you and using the most inhumane methods of torture." Pete says as we walk towards are first destination.

"Yes, the took care of him when we were in the mansion what makes you think they are different now?"

"Incase you forgot, smartass. They were the ones that stressed Venice out more then anybody. The baby would constantly be crying and I would need to take care of him." Pete said having his doubts.

"Stop thinking like that and just relax we are almost to our first destination." I say grabbing his hand and caressing it as we walk.

We arrive after 5 minutes to the flower park I reserved for an hour. So that nobody could bother us and we could just enjoy each others company.

"This is beautiful, Vegas!" Pete says while smiling at me.

I join him looking at the pink tulip section and then moving on to the orchids.

"How do you even know of a place like this?" Pete curiously asks.

"My mom took me here when I was 5 to escape dad's abuse. When ever he got in one of his moods she would sneak me and baby Macau out of the Mansion and come here and we would stay for hours. Then when it was near closing time of the park we would have to go back to our living hell and my mother would tell us to go to our rooms and she would talk to father but we all knew what kind of talking he was doing to her." I say slowly realizing every good memory I had could instantly disappear all because of my father.

I feel Pete take both of my hands in his and say," Vegas, I now know that you never really had a choice other then to be consumed by the darkness of your father's wishes. I know over these past 3 months that you have change for the better of our family. We still live under the threat of Kinn but with us being at each others' sides we can, together, take on any threat." He says standing on his tippy toes and finish his statement with a peck to my lips.

As he pulls away, we are still holding hands, I say," Pete as long as we are together, we can fight anything. I honestly know that you are strong on your own and even though many bad things have happened to you, I will be by your side supporting you through thick and thin. I will be supporting you no matter what. And even some people are against you I will forever be in your corner whenever you may need me. I will be there forever in your heart or physically. Thank you for being, mi luz en mi darkness~" I say as we continue down the path.

When we get out of the park, we walk to the next destination. Pete and I are still holding hands and are seeming to be more comfortable with each other. When I suddenly feel his hand tense and squeeze mine tightly.

"What's wrong, Pete?" I asked concerned as he doesn't seem to be in his own body when I look at him.

I look in the direction to see an old orphanage and then things click but not only that there is a very familiar person standing outside of it. That I can't even believe my eyes with who I am seeing....

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