Chapter 10

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Pete Pov

I run to the nursery, I grab Venice out of his crib; he instantly cuddles into my chest. Before, I could awe there was a knock on the main door. I cautiously open it to see a scared and tear-streaked face of Macau.

"Can I come in? please Pete." Macau says barely above a whisper.

"Of course, honey. Come in." I say hurrying him in with my hand on his back.

We get to Vegas's bedroom I force Macau to sit next to me on the edge of the bed.

"Pete I don't know what happened but I just heard a bang and turned around and all of sudden I see father on the floor with a bullet thru his chest." He says starting to sob again.

I pull him closer so that he is side hugging me. He puts his face in my neck and sniffs.

"Everything will be alright Macau. I will keep you and Venice safe, Okay?" I say holding him closer.

We hear a bang as the door slams open like it was just kicked in.

We look up in fright seeing a guy with a gun point at us and then a guy following in suit behind him.

"Are you the bride of today's wedding? If so then I am sorry to ruin your big day but your husband owes my family his life. And that boy sitting next to you owes me his as well." The man pointing the gun at me says.

"Kinn, babe. Stop pressuring them they looked scared and there is even a little baby boy. Leave them alone or else I will ignore you for months." The guy behind "kinn" says.

"Porsche, stay out of it dad put me in charge of getting the loved ones." Kinn comes back with.

I scoot away from Macau and get up which gets the attention of the two. I give sleeping Venice to Macau and then walk towards them.

"So your Porsche?" I ask

"Yes. Do I know you?"

"No but I know you." I say smirking and pull my fist back just to slam it into Porsche's right cheek.

They both look surprised. Kinn staring at me from the side and Porsche staring on me from the ground.

Kinn comes to the back of me and tries to restrain me but then we hear...

"Touch my wife and I will kill you in front of yours!"

Vegas has a gun pointed at the back of the head of Kinn.

"Please don't kill him, Vegas!" Porsche was yelling still on the floor.

I hear Venice start crying because he was woken up by the yelling. I also hear Macau trying to shush him. I try to move but Kinn still has my arms pinned to my back.

"Let go of me I need to tend to my sons! Damn it!" I yell and headbutt Kinn in the face.

Once I am free I go back to Macau and Venice and Macau hands me Venice. I immediately sit down on the bed and start rocking Venice to quiet him down.

Vegas comes and stands in front of Venice, Macau and me, still pointing a gun at Kinn and Porsche as Kinn helps Porsche get to his feet.

"What are you doing in my room harassing my family?" Vegas asks pissed.

"Well maybe you can tell me why your wife punched mine?" Kinn asks rhetorically.

"I will let him answer that for himself but you shouldn't even be here especially since your father killed my father at my own wedding." Vegas yells.

Finally get Venice back to sleep and once again give him back to Macau and I think Venice and him are actually some how comforting each other.

I stand up and go next to Vegas.

"Your wife was trying to steal my husband. That is the reason I punched him." I say calmly glaring at Porsche.

"I never tried to steal Vegas, Kinn. This all a misunderstanding. I am sorry you thought that but that was not my intentions. But didn't he kidnap you so why are you defending him?" Porsche asks and now everyone is staring at me.

"Because I grew to love him." I say looking into Vegas's eyes.

God, I am tired of acting. I just want to take Venice and Macau and leave. But I know that Macau won't leave his brother.

"So, Kinn back to my question what are you doing here harassing my family?" Vegas asks again just as rough.

"It's non of your business. I am here in honor of the main family. I need to take your wife, baby and brother with me to the Main house. I also had plans for your wife and baby. Which I cannot tell you the details about it." Kinn says as he smirks at Macau holding Venice.

Based on that I can tell it wasn't going to be good. I hate Vegas but I don't want to go anywhere with anymore strangers. There is just too much going on now.

"No I think you can tell me the details. To be completely honest I just met you today so how the fuck do you even know about me? Especially, since I have nobody as family." I say feeling Vegas grab my arm.

"We are not going with you Kinn. No matter if it is an order or not from your father. I now have other things to worry about besides myself. I have a son and now a wife and have to play a father figure for Macau now." Vegas says basically guarding us.

"Well, Vegas, you really don't have a choice. Either you come with your family or we kill you right here, right now. If we kill you, your wife who now seems like a threat to mine will be going to basically the highest bidder. Which means they can do whatever they want to him. And your son will turn into mine all we need to do is legally change the name. Then your brother hmm... I think we can give him to a slave labor camp." Kinn says but I look at Porsche and he doesn't seem to agree with these statements.

I take the gun from the back of Vegas's pants and hold it up to Kinn's face.

"If you want to touch any part of this family you will feel this bullet going thru your head. I have never felt at home anywhere and now I have a family and you just want to take that away from me. If you have anymore bullshit to say I suggest you keep your mouth fucking shut and get your ass the fuck out of here." I say emotionless.

Kinn looks at Vegas and says," Your wife might have saved your family this time but just you wait. Next time all of your family minus you will be leaving this house."

Kinn and Porsche turn and walk out the door they kicked open.

Vegas and me are staring at each other.

"So do you really mean it, when you say you love me?"

Everybody I am sorry for such a late update. I know it has been awhile. I am a college student and have just finished the first semester of my second year so things got complicated. But I will try to update more often. I am also glad you are all enjoying the book.

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