Chapter 49: Eternal Damnation

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⚠️TW: Minor mentions of suicide

"Will you help me remember who I am?"


As you walked through the festival grounds, time seemed to slip away. The vibrant atmosphere dazzled your senses with its bright colours and sparkling golden lanterns that illuminated the night sky. Unseen by the Yokai revellers, the champions trailed behind you, fully immersed in the festivities. Although it was only a memory, the experience felt vividly real, with even Zelda taking care not to collide with anyone as they passed through the crowds.

"This it held anymore?" Zelda asked, coming up to your side, "I've never heard of it."

"Only on occasion now," you sighed, plucking a candy apple from a stand and watching it morph in your hands, before you placed it in Zelda's hands, "Hebra was the perfect spring venue for it. When Hylia died...a lot changed."

"Like what?"

"Hebra became inflicted with snow and emotions were out of control for a very long time," you spoke softly, "this is where the shrine originally was built, before the tip of Hebra was cut and sent skyward with the rest of the Humans."

"You lived in the skies?"

"You ask a lot of questions."

Your comment elicited a surprised reaction from Zelda, causing her eyes to widen. Her expression amused you and you let out a laugh. For a brief moment, her eyes seemed to glaze over, as if she was transported back to her childhood when she last heard you laugh in such a manner. Witnessing you laugh so boisterously with Kohga stirred a warmth within her heart.

"Lighten up, Princess," you smiled, a hand on your hip and another holding Kohga and preventing him from having a sugar high, "This is the 'calm before the storm' as my author's say. You don't often get to see my younger days."

As you spoke, she blinked in surprise, her hands hanging limply at her sides. You walked away with Kohga and Sooga, trailing behind your younger self. Zelda hastily took Link's hand, her steps quickening as she hurried to join you once more. The other Champions followed suit.

As your younger self walked alongside her peers, she found herself at the centre, holding her parasol tightly in hand, with her nine tails gracefully dancing behind her. Her kin surrounded her, filled with laughter and conversation, as they made their way towards the grand shrine towering over the peak. From afar, the dozens of glowing lanterns cast a golden hue, creating a mystical atmosphere.

"Oh sister! We must go play some Hanetsuki! I bet I can beat you!" Kazumi, the girl who resembled a mermaid, cried as she clung to the older foxian's arm. "Best out of ten!"

"Kazumi! We must meet with her grace first before we head off for games!" Akane, the pyro girl, slapped her sister on the shoulder. The younger girl cried out in pain, despite the slap being as gentle as Akane could be.

"But— but what about all the prizes and food! I bet I can beat sister Ei at an Udon eating contest!" The four-armed Oni shouted boisterously.

"You already know you will lose," your younger self cocked her head, and you couldn't help but laugh. "The kitsune Udon eating contest is my prize, brother."

"But Eiiiii!"

"Later. You will end up vomiting again," she chuckled, "we have guests waiting for us. Come, let us greet them and welcome the birthday girl to our festival."

"Must we maintain the formalities...?" Hayato spoke, holding the bridge of his nose as his wings twitched in annoyance, "I'm positively sure her grace is used to your antics by now."

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