Chapter 2: Getting to Know You

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Another week has passed now, another day where you're somewhat trapped in a literal ditch in the middle of nowhere, locked away inside the room you found yourself in.

However, surprisingly, most of your fear has dissipated knowing you weren't in any true danger. The Yiga Clan, even if they're good fighters, were incredibly dorky. You remembered yesterday, when Sooga was showing you around, a group of the Yiga were having a banana eating contest. You couldn't lie, it was much more lively around here than it was in the Castle.

You sighed, wincing in pain as the blade in your hand had accidentally sliced a piece of skin on your hand open. Blood begun to drip from the small cut, yet you continued to shave the ice off of a spear you had created with your bare hands. You couldn't deny, it was indeed one of your best designs yet.

You continued to sit in silence, shaving more ice off of the weapon and allowing yourself to bleed with not a care in the world. You looked peaceful in this state, almost nothing could interrupt yo-

Knock, knock, knock!

You jumped slightly, once again slicing another cut into your hand accidentally. You winced in even more pain, no longer ignoring it.

You growled, "enter."

The door slowly begun to creak open, a familiar 'face' peeking inside, "Mornin' sweetheart! Just ca-"

Kohga's words were immediately cut off as the spear that was once in your hands was struck into the wall beside him, he almost felt his soul leave his body for a moment.

"Oh sweet jesus holy cungadero what just happened-"

You continued to glare as he stood there, slightly worried his heart had stopped for a moment. You didn't intend to kill him, not unless he really ticks you off.

"What do you want," you said, the spear pulling itself from the wall and flying back into your hands, "I'm busy."

He begun to laugh nervously, shutting the sliding door behind him, "well-- I uh--"

"Out with it," you demanded, "or you'll have a face full of spear in a sec."

"Oh alright, alright lady!" he said, "I just wanted to come and properly introduce myself since we got off on the wrong foot the other day."


"I-- what?"

"I have no interest in introductions," you said, no longer taking your eyes off the ice weapon as you carved designs into it, "I'm not sticking around so what's the point."

Kohga sighed, not wanting to upset you even more, but he had to at least get this over and done with, "look, I know ya don't want to be here, but if this is going to work, we both hafta do it together."

"Hah, did Sooga tell you to say that?" you laughed, "never expected such poetry to come from you."

"Hey! I'll have you know that I'm amazing at poetry!" he laughed, "maybe if you stop being ungrateful, I'll tell you some sometime."

You paused, blood still dripping from your palm. You sighed, "fine, but only because I have nothing better to do other than sit here while I lose my sanity in this heat."

"Wonderful!" Kohga exclaimed, now happy as can be as he held his hand out to you, "Master Kohga at your service, Top Banana of the Yiga Clan and humble servant to Calamity Ganon!"

You furrowed your eyebrows in suspicion, hesitantly taking his hand and shaking it, "Grand Guuji (Y/N), Divine Priestess and Royal Advisor to King Rhoam, but uh...just call me (Y/N), titles aren't my thing."

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