Chapter 33: Sakè

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When the last sparks of the fireworks have disappeared into the sky, they turn into rain and snow and will fall upon the earth again, nourishing the land and nurturing humanity so that someday they can be sent up into the sky again and display their magnificence. Of the many stories my Master told me, this one is my favourite.


Your eyes burned.

You felt a wave of dread as you laid in bed, your thoughts consumed with the mysterious thing you'd seen. Was Ghirahim right? Was something trying to communicate with you? Fear held you back from seeking answers and your mind was filled with doubt. No matter how much you tried to distract yourself, the uneasiness stayed in the air. Your heart ached for strength and courage to face this unknown thing. Taking a deep breath, you closed your eyes and squeezed your hands together, silently begging for help.

You sighed; your eyebrows furrowed as you held your gaze. There was no way you'd be able to sleep at this rate.

"Yer still tryna fall asleep, sweetheart?"


You looked up towards Kohga, mesmerized by his regal figure. His blood red night robes flowed around him, contrasting against the darkness of the room. His damp hair was tied back into a messy bun, and his banana shaped earrings glittered in the faint light. You felt overwhelmed by the unconditional love radiating from him, "you've been trying for hours now."

"Yeah, yeah I know..." you groaned, sitting up and rubbing the back of your neck, "I just- can't..."

The man sighed and placed his book down, blowing out the candle before lifting you into his lap. His embrace filled you with a feeling of contentment, like you had come home. You felt safe in his arms and your body seemed to melt into his chest. His gentle caresses were comforting, and it felt like all the tension you had built up during the day just evaporated away. He looked down at you with kindness in his eyes, and you knew you were loved.

"Ya don't gotta worry, sweetheart," he smiled down at you, holding you in his arms, "if ya get another nightmare again, ah'll be right here."

You closed your eyes, feeling his words vibrate through you and his heartbeat resonating in your ears. You drifted away as the two created a beautiful melody. His voice so gentle, and the thumping of his heart like a steady beat that could easily rock you to sleep. Although you couldn't understand the words he spoke, it felt peaceful, like it was a lullaby made just for you.

Kohga chuckled as your soft snores filled the air, and he shifted his mask, pressing his lips to your forehead.

"Love you, sweetheart. Get some sleep."


"I watch the moon, let it run my mood...Can't stop thinkin' of you~"

The room filled with an ethereal sound as your silk song voice echoed through the air. You felt the power of your voice course through you and noticed that Kohga was captivated by it, eyes fixed on you as you sang. The notes seemed to move through him, like he could feel the emotion of every single word. Your mood had drastically improved since yesterday, so this was the perfect way to start off a new day.

"Oh? Maybe this one?" You questioned the air, holding a dress out in front of you. A large, strange package in your name ended up outside the Hideout this morning, and it was filled to the brim with outfits and dresses for you. Turns out, it was from the Youkai.

"Oh! Oh! Or maybe this one!" You smiled, holding a shorter, puffier dress out in front of you, "no, no, to ruffly...ugh, I can't decide! Usually Makio helps me with this type of stuff..."

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