Chapter 10: All-Seer of Demise

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Another ghastly day. Pathetic, is it not? To be running from home, it felt as if you were but a small child.

Guards are most certainly on the prowl for you now, they'd be looking high and low for you all over Hyrule. There was nowhere to go. If you went to the shrine, your maidens would most likely be rather scared, or perhaps they've already stationed guards there? Who knows at this point.

Akkala was rather peaceful this time of year, you reminisced coming here to assist Robbie inside his lab, or paying a visit to the Great Fairy for a simple girl-chat. But back then, you had some elixirs, and you heavily regretted not stopping by any stables. Mortals are usually far too petrified to stand up to you.

Fields of grass surrounded you and waves of heat clouded your vision; sweat dribbled down your skin. No matter how much you tried, you couldn't muster a single snowflake. A cryo spirit taking shelter in the hottest place in Hyrule, no one would believe you if you told them.

More sweat dripped down your chin and landed on your clothing; you fell to your knees. You were quite used to the sweet relief of death, it was like a deep slumber you could only experience for a few moments, before being thrown back into the world once again.

You sighed, dying here would prove fruitless, you'd just arrive back at the heart of the shrine and the guards would most likely capture you. To be honest, you'd rather die out here amongst decayed guardians than in a rotting cell. It was a graveyard of destroyed robots, their legs torn off from battle; yes, it seemed a rather suitable place for a nice momentary rest.

Your breaths were heavy, dizziness clouding your sight from the loss of blood and heat from your surroundings. You were indeed well versed in the art of healing, but not in removing unpure weapons from your own body. The pain was continuous.

Tears welled in your eyes, your hands curling and scrunching the fabric of your torn dress. Beads slipped down your cheeks and onto the fabric, it burned. In truth, there was nothing you could really do but sit here and wait for the sweet relief of death. Perhaps Hylia would finally end this eternal loop. Perhaps she'd finally allow you to return home to the skies, to see your true Zelda again.

You continued to sit on your knees, clenching the material of your clothing. Your hand was burning; the shade of your skin had turned a deep red with cracks lining your arm and wrist. Malice truly had begun taking its toll on you. At least if you passed, you wouldn't have to bear even more of the Demon Lord's power coursing through your body for the rest of eternity.

Your hair wafted in the wind as you fell to the grass, tears staining your skin as the flowers surrounding you wilted from your touch. You could just fall asleep right here, amidst a graveyard of guardians. The area surrounding you swirled, your hearing had became numb and your eyes drooped. Both your main senses had been taken from you, but the scent of an unknown entity and the heavy vibrations in the ground; they kept you alert.

The presence of heavy, mechanical beings surrounded your body. Bright red eyes shone down on you, lasers pointing from every direction. Amongst them was a smaller entity, perhaps the guards had found you and brought guardians along with them. Your eyes were heavy, barely being able to open. The form of a person stood over you; their aura was dark, sinister. Their malice, you could sense it from a mile away.

"You are a long ways off from home, Fox," the person said, his voice was sly and and eerie, it trailed off elegantly, "you seem to have landed in quite the predicament."

Your breaths were ragged, growing heavier from the sharp pains in your chest as he lifted you easily. What was with guys just picking you up recently? But, maybe he had food! You haven't eaten in days; oh you could kill to be able to sink your teeth into a fresh, live rabbit.

The man held you tightly against him; his robes were rather soothing, and cool to the touch. Whoever this man was, he certainly wasn't with the Hyrulean Army.

"Y...You have guardians..." you mumbled, barely able to speak, "th-they're not..."

"All will be explained, fox," he said, pressing his fingertip to your forehead gently and creating a circular motion, "for now, rest."

Your eyelids grew far heavier, whatever spell he casted was strong, perhaps the strongest you've ever experiences. A sleep spell usually takes around ten minutes to lull you off, this was immediate.

The man eyed you as you passed out in his arms, despite all the blood and bruises, you were certainly quite the looker.

"Phase 2 is complete. You have chosen wisely, my Harbinger."


Sorry for the short chapter again! I've been having a rough time recently so I just want to get a few chapters out of the way quickly!!

Also, yes, random people continue to pick you up. Not their fault you're small compared to them XD.

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