Chapter 11: This is Home

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"Ugh, that dumb Seer is taking his sweet, sweet time getting here!"

Sooga flinched slightly at his Masters impatience. The Seer was meant to arrive hours ago to assist in a plan for the coming future. The blademaster sighed, standing behind his Master, who, mind you, was perfectly comfortable with his legs propped up on the dining table. He could have had a nap by now.

"Be patient, Master," Sooga replied, "perhaps he...ran into a mishap along the way."

"The guy's a weirdo! He's got all sorts of freaky magic, Sooga!" Kohga exclaimed, the eye on his mask rolling in annoyance, "weird, freaky-ass magic man."

Sooga chuckled at Kohga's annoyance. He had been rather quiet in the past few days, it was nice seeing him open up and be loud again. But he was still that lazy Master he's known all these years.

"Ugh, someone get me a drink," Kohga demanded, frustrated by the Seer's tardiness, "hellloooo?? Can someone get me a dri-"

Knock, Knock, Knock!

The sound of taps on the door filled the room, cutting Kohga off. Sooga nodded to him, "enter."

The door opened slightly, a Yiga Footsoldier poking their head inside before opening the door all the way, "M-Master Kohga! Apologies for interrupting, but-"

"Speak," Sooga demanded, "what is wrong."

The footsoldier gulped, their voice trailing quietly, "the Seer has arrived! It's just that...s-so has the Guuji..."

"Uh, speak up please? Didn't quite catch that last part," Kohga said, crossing his arms.

"A-Apologies!'s Mistre-"

Before the footsoldier could finish, they froze in fear. A sense of dread washed over the room, as it always does when the Seer arrives. "Apologies for my...tardiness," a sinister voice came from behind, "it just so happens that I ran into someone incredibly important on the way."

Both Kohga and Sooga stood straight, staring at the Seer. Their stares were so intense that they hadn't noticed the footsoldier disappear into a cloud of thick, red smoke. Beneath his mask, Sooga's eyes were wide open at the sight that stood before them. He gripped the hilt of his Windcleaver, ready to take action.

Your body lied limp in the Seer's arms, clotted blood mixed with dirt and mud caked your skin and clothing. Arrows had struck into your shoulders. The pungent stench of iron filled their noses as you slept.

"Before you remove your weapon, I am not the cause of this," he said, "I came across her in Akkala, and given your pathetic reactions...I'd say you know her rather well."

If looks could kill, this 'all-seer' would be cold dead on the ground by now. Both Kohga and Sooga held their weapons tight, you had come home, but at the cost of your safety.

"Master, she..."

"She was on her deathbed when I found her stumbling through a graveyard of guardians," he spoke with a sly tone, stepping past the two and resting your body upon the wooden dining table, "her could most certainly prove of exceptional use to finally awakening Calamity Ganon..."

"She has nothing to do with this— this whole thing," Kohga said, clenching his fists as the Seer ran his pale fingertips along your cheek, "not yet."

"So I was indeed correct, you have met before," he chuckled, "I wonder how an utter fool such as yourself could ever come to meet such a delicate flower. Especially one who has lived so long and still hasn't wilted."

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