Chapter 5: Ready, Fight!

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Morning was always a pleasing time to be awake around, you could watch the sun rise, watch the clouds shift and drift over Hyrule, their stunning shades changing every moment. It was peaceful.

Well, it would be better if it wasn't bloody midday and boiling hot. You honestly gotta invest in a little snow cloud to keep you cool.

With a loud yawn, the Divine Priestess herself rose out of bed,  and strangely, all on her own. With sleepy eyes, you looked around the room, your fellow nap buddy nowhere in sight and no longer stuck to you. You shrugged with a smile, hoisting yourself out of bed to get ready for whatever was left for the day.

With the simple flick of a wrist, a hairbrush made of ice appeared in your palm. You quietly begun to fix your hair and makeup, yet unfortunately, the hairbrush begun to melt. Curse this stupid heat, oh what you would give to go back home and bask in the snow that would float from the heavens and kiss your skin gently. You were jealous of those Rito who got to fly all the way up there.

You sighed, sitting back down on the bed for a few moments as you carefully brushed out the knots in your hair, when a note that was stuck to a box on the end of the bed struck your fancy. Plucking it up, you could already tell it was Kohga's penmanship. For a dorky villain, he's pretty good at cursive.

Dear Guuji (Y/N),

I had my men clean off your clothes that you were wearing when we found you. They were stained with blood so we tried everything we could to get them back to normal, but we hope that it makes you happy! And don't worry, your undergarments are there too, we didn't see anything, promise!


The great and powerful, Kohga.

P.S. Do you want banana pancakes before training? Also, Sooga says Goodmorning.

You stifled a chuckle at his dorkiness and the cute doodles of himself in the corners of the page, he must've gotten bored while waiting for you to wake up.

Strangely, on the back of the paper, was an intricate and detailed portrait of you, accompanied by some poetry;

Twirling and whirling
an understanding entanglement.
Back to back our eyes never once meet.

I tell their story through my lens
they agree.
The music flows
our bodies move mindlessly

Energy radiates weaving itself through our spirits.

The music spins out
the story comes to an end.

It seems as if our meeting is done
this dance is just the beginning.

Whoa. Kohga really wasn't kidding when he said he was good at poetry. It was such beautiful penmanship too.

You smiled as you continued to read over it, your heart beating slightly faster than usual. No one's ever written poetry for you before, let alone this good. You had a beaming smile on your face, but...

Did he say that they took your clothes to wash? But that means...

"Oh for Hylia's sake!" you exclaimed, your face flushing a bright red, realising the first man to have most likely seen your bare body was Kohga, "bloody bastard..."

A few moments passed as you calmed down, realising it was what had to be done lest you lie in blood soaked clothing 24/7. With a groan of annoyance, you folded the letter up and placed it down, feeling a slight tinge of giddiness as you opened the box carefully.

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