Chapter 22: Golden Hour

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"C-Custom?" you asked, your face burning from his act, "we...don't have any customs like that..."

The peace sign that Kohga had so confidently pointed dropped and he clenched his fist. His face erupted into a volcano of red, matching the tattoos that were painted on his skin. Luckily, his mask hid most of the embarrassment.

Now, it was just a pair of tomatoes. Staring at each other. Wondering who should speak first.

"Uh...ahem-" Kohga coughed awkwardly, "then uh...oh, I know! Let's make it our custom?"

Your eyes widened at the thought. Kisses never always meant romance, right? Y-You've kissed a bunch of other people without it being romantic! T-Totally!

You calmed your mind and took a deep breath; you smiled, unaware of your tail wagging behind you, "a-alright then! Let's make it our custom! J-Just for us!"

Internally, Kohga punched the air with amazement and delight, his heart racing a million miles a second. Your soft smile graced his form as if he was right before a beautiful deity. His heart knew why he felt this way, but his mind didn't. Two opposites working in the same body, all while contradicting each other.

"A-Ahem- now...let me get back to your wounds," you smiled again, baring your teeth as you bandaged up the cuts, "you need to rest too, y'know. I'll be going and delivering the food I prepped for everyone later too..."

A lightbulb went off inside Kohga's head as the word 'food' escaped your lips. He recalled an event supposed to be occurring today, something super-duper important.

Oh. Oh no.

"GAH! SWEETHEART! I'M SO SORRY!!" Kohga burst out and clapped his hands together, bowing his head down for you, "we ruined yer surprise! You told us ya were plannin' something and we lied to you!!"

Your shoulders rose in surprise at the sudden loud echoes of his voice. His apologies rang through the air, and you began to chuckle.

"Hehehe! Kohga! Don't worry about it," you smiled once again, grasping his hands in your lap and bandaging them "I had a bit of a...gut feeling that something might happen today. That's what you get when you forget your lucky omamori."

At your words, he glanced back up to you. Your eyes were mirrors of pain, and your smile was nervous. You'd wanted to do something for them, and they lied. Kohga's eyebrows furrowed together, when another lightbulb flickered in his head, "why don't we just go ahead with your big surprise? I can help, ya know."

"Because I want everyone to rest, not run around for some stupid feast I planned," you sighed, your words delving into a soft mumble, "I even made decorations and lanterns to brighten up the place..."

"A...a feast?" Kohga's voice dropped. The Yiga, they often go days, possibly weeks without much food, "sweetheart, why'd you...why'd you plan a feast? Ya coulda done somethin' so much easier."

You raised a brow before smiling, grasping his hands in your own once again, "I overheard from the others that all their rupees go towards building monuments in honour of you! Who am I not to offer my own gifts and appraisal?"

Kohga's jaw dropped at your words, and his face burned beneath his mask. You were way too sweet for your own good.

"I also...I also know what it's like to go hungry for a very long time," you continued, the corners of your lips drooping a tad, "I don't want anyone here to...ever experience that. Not ever again."

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