Chapter 13: A Threat? But He's So Cute!!

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You were safe. You were home.

An hour had passed since the uncontrollable crying had ceased, and your reunion with your dear friend had made your heart feel a tad warmer than usual; perhaps that was because you were in the desert though.

Peacefully, you sat on your comfortable, silk sheets and chowed down on some of the fresh, juicy rabbit that had been caught early in the morning. The meat was soft and melted in your mouth and was as delectable as it looked. The taste was something out of this world! Truly a taste you will never forget for the rest of your life.

Kohga sat beside you cross-legged, for the time that you had been happily gnawing on your meal, he'd been messing with some sort of jewel. Whether he stole it or mined it himself (or had one of his lackeys mine it for him), you wouldn't have a clue how he managed to get his hands on it.

Quickly, you swallowed down the last bite of your meal, sighing in relief. You never thought you'd have a full stomach after days without eating, let alone feel full from all of that food. You smiled softly, leaning back against your many pillows, and sipping your tea. Your ears flicked repeatedly, standing up straight.

"Oh right!!" Kohga suddenly burst out, scaring you almost half to death, "Jeez, why didn't my lackeys remind me?! I have something of yours!"

You raised a brow in confusion, something of yours? Had you given something to him before you left? You swallowed your tea quickly, the liquid sliding down your throat as you placed the cup on the small table beside you.

"Hyy—" Kohga began, clapping his hands together and a puff of red smoke bursting out, "—AH!!"

You squeaked in surprise from the loud noise he made when he opened his hands out for you. You couldn't help but be slightly scared, but you quickly snuck a glance into his palms anyway. If he was holding some sort of bug he was a dead man.

A shimmering golden hue filled your eyes as you stared at the objects in his hands. A pair of heavy golden earrings and a matching golden headpiece, both embellished with strontianite. They had been polished to perfection.

"I uh—I kinda- y'know, kept them?" he laughed, clipping them onto your ears gently and resting the headpiece into your own hand, "and I may have sent out a bunch o' my lackeys to mine that snow quartz ya were talking about! Ya weren't kidding when ya said it was rare."

You were stunned, trapped deep within the shock that he had kept them for your return. He'd even polished them for you; you didn't remember them being so shiny that you could see your reflection in them.

Your smile beamed and your cheeks flushed a bright pretty pink. Your loud grin resembled that of a certain young Zora, your sharp teeth glimmering in the light. Kohga too, grinned at your silent squeals of happiness, chuckling to himself as he watched your excitement grow over some sparkly jewels. He didn't blame you, of course, they were beautiful. Just like the owner.

"Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you!" you exclaimed, throwing your arms around his neck. Kohga's face burned a deep red as you held him tightly. The pupil of the eye on his mask formed into the shape of a heart for a mere moment, and if he could, steam would be shooting out of his ears. It was a very cartoony moment.

After a few moments, they eye on his mask shifted back to normal and closed; he too, smiled, nonetheless. You continued to grin, pulling away from the man. You were unable to contain your laughter, the tinkling sounds that your dangling earrings made. He burst into laughter beside you, his belly laughter making you laugh even louder, in fact, so loud that you began to snort!

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