Chapter 28: Beauty and the Beast

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They watched as the snow-covered rocks and mountains that had been surrounding them for miles disappeared before their very eyes, revealing the familiar rock walls. The sight of their hideout always brought a smile to their faces.

"We're hooooome!" the rest of the group called out, instantly running off to the many fires that lit up the space. Others who had remained at the hideout quickly came running from their posts with warm blankets and food in tow. Kohga sighed with crossed arms, glancing to the hallway at his back.

"Go check on her," Sooga smiled, patting his Master's shoulder gently, "I'll deal with things here, of course."

"Yer a lifesaver, Sooga! What would I do without ya!" Kohga laughed with a nervous tone, his heart racing already. Sooga chuckled, pushing him along, "go on."

Kohga sprinted as fast as his legs would take him, running through the halls of the Hideout. His heart beat faster and faster as he reached his destination, sweating profusely by the time he finally made it up to his door. He slowed, pacing himself both so he didn't trip, and in case you were asleep. Beyond the door was silence, with the exception of the twinkling of frost. Quietly, he slid the door open and stepped inside.

The room was exactly as he had left it, everything still in its place except a few books. It even seemed you hadn't moved in quite a while.

He stepped closer to your sleeping figure, hunched over his desk with stacks of blueprints laying around you. Your eyebrows furrowed and your lips were turned into a sad frown. He pressed the back of his hand to your cheek, wiping away the frost that had covered your skin. He sighed softly, lifting your body carefully out of the chair and sitting on the bed cross-legged. He sat you gently in the middle of his body and guided you across his lap. Your hair fell around your face as he brushed it aside, and your lips were ever so gently curved into a smile.

A smile too, crept onto Kohga's face as he ran his fingers through your hair. For a long time, you had nightmares. Nightmares that had haunted your every moment, but still, he knew why now.

"Bein' a wartime general wasn't easy, huh, sweetheart..." he mumbled, holding you tightly and resting his chin on your head, "you don't gotta worry anymore..."

Your soft snores echoed around the silent bedroom. Dark, heavy circles hung beneath your eyes, and your hands were covered in splatters of oil. You must've been tinkering with some guardian parts again.

Kohga glanced over at the desk and snapped his fingers, the blueprints appearing in hand. Sketches of guardian parts and other designs littered the paper, resembling the small automaton that had run off in a panic.

The Harbinger. There were modifications to the original design, in completely different handwriting. He recognised your penmanship immediately, but the other was strange. He glanced up at the desk again, noticing bits and pieces that were hidden beneath the papers. Each part was taken respectively from the Harbinger to be replaced with even deadlier weaponry. Kohga sighed once more and wrapped up the blueprints, resting them on the side table. Before he could properly get you into bed, a knock came at the door.

"Master Kohga? How is she?" Sooga's deep voice echoed as he entered the space, closing the door behind him, "am I...interrupting?"

"Nah, Sooga, yer just fine..." Kohga groaned, still glancing at his shared desk, "she's been workin' all day. Been thinkin' it's that Seer's orders."

"What kind of work?" Sooga asked, perusing through the blueprints and inspecting the broken guardian parts, "is she tinkering with Guardians...?"

"I think Astor ordered 'er to repair the Harbinger while we were gone," Kohga replied, bundling you up into the thin blankets you always used, "she's exhausted."

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