Chapter 15: Suspicion

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"In all my lifetime, I've never been accused of such insolence. It feels...strange."

Your body shifted and spun around towards the owner of the voice, it was familiar, and that aura he gave was filled with malicious intent. The craving of pain.

"And you are...?" you asked softly, taking a step back from the strange man, "who?"

The man chuckled, bowing to you, and taking your left hand gently. "Astor, Prophet of Doom," he smiled, kissing the strange triangular mark etched into your skin, "but please, just call me Astor, Lady Guuji."

Your faced flushed with red as you stumbled back, visible cherry colour coated your cheeks and your ears flicked with flustered confusion, "h-hi?"

Kohga groaned in annoyance, standing up to his feet and gently grabbing your hand away from Astor, "didn't we tell ya to beat it? And quit with the touching thing."

"You did," Astor chuckled, his touch lingering against your skin, "I simply wanted to formerly meet our new...friend."

Your lips parted slightly as you stared at the three, both Yiga clearly disliked Astor's upfront approach towards you as they pulled you away. Terrako beeped at the man, ducking behind your legs.

"We said we'd call for you," Sooga snapped, stepping before you and Kohga ready to unsheathe his blades, "you have shown here unannounced, Seer."

"If I had told you when I would be joining—" he began, stepping past Sooga and stopping close to you, "-you would have kept her from our Lord. You wouldn't want to make our God upset, would you?"

Your eyes widened slightly as Astor's pale, rough hands tucked a waft of your hair back into place, he was exceptionally close. Too close for comfort.

"I have been awake for quite literally around two hours," you interrupted, pushing Astor's hand away with your index finger, "it's afternoon and incredibly warm, especially with you three being literally the warmest people in this room."

The three stared at you in confusion, watching as you created a simple snow cloud above your head for both you and Terrako to cool down. Snowflakes drifted down onto your skin.

"Now, Astor," you smiled, holding out your hand and shaking his, "thank you very much for saving me in Akkala, I would certainly have died weren't it for your impeccable timing."

Kohga and Sooga perked up at your change of tone, it was formal, completely unlike how you had been speaking moments before Astor had arrived. It was strange, the last they'd heard your voice like this was when you had first met.

Astor forced a strange smile, shaking your hand gently, "the pleasure is...all mine, Lady Guuji."

You smiled uncomfortably, pulling your hand away and lifting Terrako up into your arms. Sooga perked up, you hadn't corrected the Seer regarding your title. Terrako beeped loudly as he clambered onto your shoulders and climbing atop of your head. Sparks flew from circuits in his small body, you were so sure he might've exploded at that moment.

"Why don't we get you fixed up, huh? I'm sure I have some spare parts in my bags to at least fix you up a little," you laughed, picking up your satchels and tossing them over your shoulder, "then you'll be as good as new."

Terrako beeped again happily, clinging onto your hair trying to stay atop your head, it was rather cute despite his distorted noises, "it was very nice to meet you Astor, and I thank you very much for your assistance, but I have someone to tend to. I hope you don't mind?"

"Not at all, M'lady," Astor smiled, eyeing the small automaton atop your head and the marking on your hand, "I'm certain we will see each other far more in the coming future..."

You forced another smile, your squinted eyes twitching slightly as you stepped past the Seer. Gently, you hooked your finger underneath Kohga's chin once more, whispering into his ear, "I'll be upstairs tending to Terrako if you want to come help me, once you're done chatting, of course."

Kohga glanced to Sooga, nodding back to you as you smiled. You gently released his chin, bearing your fangs as you grinned and walked past, carrying Terrako like a small child. Kohga and Sooga smiled beneath their masks, awaiting for you to be out of earshot.

"I must say... she truly is far more mysterious than I had originally anticipated," Astor chuckled, almost as if his sanity had left his mind a long time ago, "quite the sight, as well."

"Hey! What's the big idea, shadow man?!" Kohga suddenly burst out, stomping his foot against the ground in rage, "making goo-goo eyes?! Seriously?!"

"Master Kohga, calm yourself," Sooga warned, turning to face the Seer, "you're interested in her."

"Why, who wouldn't be?" Astor chuckled, "you're both fools."

Sooga and Kohga growled at the comment, their fists curling as the Seer spoke.

"The marking on her hand is identical to that of the Princess's," Astor stated, "she comes off as...a cute fox, yet she's a mysterious creature. She bears an open smile and a closed soul."

"CUTE?! You don't get to call her cute!" Kohga stomped, "so what if our Lord chose her? That doesn't mean you get to say creepy stuff like that! And besides, you just met her! There's no way she'd like you!"

"And you think she'll ever like you?" Astor responded, "my, we have a fool who plays jester, falling for someone who could resemble an Empress. But perhaps that's just her charm, spirit foxes are indeed quite flirtatious and cunning."

Kohga's face went beet red behind his mask, shutting his mouth before he could retort at the comments. Your smile popped into his mind, and he shook his head, trying to stay focussed.

Astor chuckled at Kohga's antics, shifting his robe, "our lord's choice has been made, malice flows through her veins just as it flows through ours. It will only be a matter of time once the Calamity awakens on the Princess's birthday..."

Hidden away in the shadow of Astor's robe was another small automaton, identical to Terrako with the exception of its dark aura and black shell. Kohga and Sooga sighed, bowing their head for the small creature.

"Perhaps you two idiots should go to her, I'm sure she may need some assistance fixing up that...little one."

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