Chapter 49: When It All Melts Down, I'll Be There

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One week.

Or maybe two?

Every day seems like it runs straight out of one and right into the next these days. Each day is more of the same....wake up, get ready, eat breakfast, go to work, come back, repeat.

In a bed that isn't mine. In a shower too big and too lonely. In a kitchen that isn't my own.

The trajectory of my life has become a poorly kept secret these days. At least that's how it seems as I glance over at the tabloids beside the register as I wait to check out the few groceries I need to restock, and the ingredients I need to prepare dinner for Griffin and I tonight.

Pictures I can't get away from, articles printing stories that are no doubt untrue but no less hurtful, and a whole host of questions that I have no intention of answering.

It doesn't seem like Hailee is making any statements either....

I'm pulled out of my spiraling thoughts by the feeling of my phone buzzing in my back pocket. Calls from my friends checking in on me have become part of my routine by now. Sometimes it's Olsen, sometimes it's Scarlett, sometimes it's Taylor. But every day it's Flo, Griffin, Tom, and Fletch.

I don't even bother pulling my phone out to answer it, I simply double tap my right AirPod to connect the call. "Hello?" I greet whoever is on the line.

"Tiny! Hey! Sorry I'm so late calling you today, I stayed after class to continue a discussion with my professor. I'm trying to network a bit while I'm here, before teaching he worked for Boeing!" Fletcher says happily.

"No worries. Honestly I don't even know what time it is, but it's earlier for me than it is for you. Networking is always a good idea. Half the time it's not what you know, it's who. Luckily for you, you have both going for you. How was class?" I reply. I love listening to my brother talk about his passion and new things he's learned about planes. It reminds me of the days we spent at the airport when we were kids.

"Yea, with any luck I'll finesse myself an internship and maybe get a good recommendation from him in the future. But anyways, class was cool. Today we debated the merits of using lightweight composites like carbon fiber instead of metals in production." He explains excitedly.

"Sounds....fascinating." I say, loading my groceries into the back of my car.

"It was! That's what I stayed behind to discuss. Some kid wanted to argue with me that using carbon fiber on the 787 was one of the worst decisions Boeing ever made. Apparently I made some good points though, my professor seemed genuinely impressed!" He tells me proudly.

"Wait, are you driving?" He asks suddenly, taking a break in telling me about his day when he hears my car crank.

"I am. I had to run to the store and pick up a few things. Griffin is coming over for dinner tonight so I needed something to cook for him." I reply.

"Oh cool! Tell him I said hi! But uh...are you ok spending time with him? I know you said that out of everyone, he's the hard one." My brother asks thoughtfully.

I sigh. "Honestly I don't know. I've been talking to him every day and that's been alright, but being face to face with him is a different story. But he keeps telling me he misses me, and I know he's not pushing me or anything but I feel really awful about leaving him as collateral damage ya know? And if I'm being honest, I miss him too. With Tom being gone now and Flo still overseas filming, I've had way too much me time." I say with a bitter laugh.

"I get it. It might be tough being around him, given that he's Hailee's brother and they look fucking identical. But on the other hand, maybe it won't. I think maybe you should keep a positive outlook and an open mind. It's Griff we're talking about. You know each other in and out, so maybe just open the door for him and let the chips fall where they may." He says.

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