Chapter 21: I Fixed Your Heart, But Mine Still Hurts

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Florence POV

As soon as I hear my phone ringing at 12:55 in the morning that whatever it is isn't good. My heart sinks as soon as I pick it up and see the contact picture illuminating my screen.

I try to keep my greeting light, just in case my instinct is off base, but I know it isn't as soon as I hear the sounds of my best friend crying.

I'm already out of bed and moving around, preparing to get dressed and go wherever I'm needed when I hear another familiar voice take over the call. It's Scarlett.

As I listen to Scarlett give me a very brief rundown of the situation all I can think to myself is how I'm going to make good on my threat to Hailee. Y/n has to come first at the moment though. She will always come first.

I don't really need the confirmation, but I ask anyway when there's a break in Scarlett's speaking. "It was him wasn't it? Niall." I say.

"Yea it was." She says in confirmation. My blood boils at this information.

My poor y/n.

"Can I talk to her?" I say, hoping that Scarlett will put y/n back on the phone. My heart breaks in half when I hear her voice croak as she says my name.

Goodbye acting career. I'm going to kill Hailee Steinfeld.

After doing my best to calm her down, I hang up and start gathering items for her. I head to my closet and grab my favorite hoodie, which also happens to be the softest one I own. I also pull a fleece blanket off the chair in the corner of my bedroom, tossing both articles onto the foot of my bed so that I can grab them and go later.

I'm aware that I have plenty of time to lie back down and get some rest before I'll need to leave for the airport, but I'm far too angry for that.

I have a million thoughts running through my mind at approximately a million miles per hour. Only about half of them are violent.

After toying back and forth with the idea for longer than I should've, I make my decision. I take my phone that is still in my hand and pull up Hailee's number, pressing dial.

There's no way she answers this call. She may be stupid but she surely doesn't have a death wish...

I'm shocked when I hear her voice pick up on the other end. "Hey Flo." She says, her voice weak and shaking. She's been crying. I couldn't care less in this moment.

"What did I tell you? What were my words? I told you that I better not find out you lied to me. I assume you're smart enough to figure out that I found out." I say with a bite.

"I know, Flo. I know. There's nothing else I can say." She says, sounding entirely defeated.

"I don't expect you to say anything, Hailee. I don't even have any specifics yet but I do need to know one thing. Is whatever she tells me going to be the absolute truth? All of it?" I ask.

"Yes. Whatever she tells you is true. I told her everything." Hailee confirms.

I clear my throat. I'm too disgusted with her to continue this conversation at the moment.

"You never should've lied. And I shouldn't have found out this way. You fucked up. And I'm sure I don't need to tell you this, but you'll regret this." I say.

"I already do." She admits. From the sounds of it, she's just as much of a wreck as y/n. Can't say I blame her. It's my understanding that y/n basically walked out on her after finding out.

She doesn't deserve it and I don't owe her a damn thing, but I decide it's best if I at least give her something.

"She's on her way back here to LA, by the way. Scarlett was taking her to the airport." I say. She should at least know that she's safe. I've never doubted that y/n isn't everything to her, she's just fucking dense.

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