Chapter 37: Something To Talk About

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"Yes I'm sure. No we don't need anything. Nope, we have plenty of that. Just bring yourself, that's all we ask. Ok. Sounds great, see you later. Bye."

When I finally hang up the phone after repeating some version of the same refusal for the last five minutes, I glimpse Hailee chuckling to herself from the other side of the kitchen.

"He's definitely bringing stuff isn't he?" She asks. "Oh for sure. A bottle of wine, at minimum.
You know Tommy, always the gentleman." I reply.

Hailee nods her head in easy agreement. "Can't say it's unusual though. Tom is a great man. And his parents clearly raised him well. Mom always taught Griff and I to never show up empty handed as well." She explains.

I'd love to contribute to this conversation, but Fletcher and I were always just an inch above being feral.

Unable to offer any sort of agreement, I opt to make things a bit more lighthearted. "Oh is that so?" I ask.

"If I remember correctly, the first time you ever came to my house to didn't bring anything, not even an extra pair of clothes, and you stayed for the weekend!" I jab playfully.

Hailee laughs and looks at me with raised brow. "Baby I brought myself. And frankly, the beginning of our relationship." She says.

I begin walking slowly over to where she's working on the charcuterie board, wrapping my arms around her from behind when I reach her.

"Oh really? So I'm supposed to believe that all of this was some part of your master plan all along? From day one?" I ask, still playfully as I nip at her ear.

I feel her nod against the side of my face. "Of course it was! I wanted you from the first day I met you. You don't think I go around asking everyone I meet to grab a coffee with me do you?" She asks.

Still wanting to mess with her a bit, I fight back just slightly. "I are a human ray of sunshine. You'd totally do that just because you're a genuinely kind person. Plus you love meeting new people and talking to them."

Hailee laughs and turns around in my arms, placing a quick peck to my lips. "Ok yea, that's totally something I'd do. But with you I had an ulterior motive! I might have a drink with someone when I meet them, but I'm sure as shit not going home with them!" She argues.

I can't help but let out a laugh at her fierce argument. "Touché. But my dear Hailee, the question is do they go home with you? I seem to have been introduced to your family pretty quickly." I quip.

At that, Hailee pushes me off of her playfully, rolling her eyes. "I knew you were different almost immediately. You weren't just someone I was having coffee with, or going home with. You were someone I wanted to know, someone I wanted to share with. I've always felt safe with you." She says softly, and I know she's being positively serious.

I drop all playfully pretenses and look Hailee directly in the eyes before smiling and placing a firm kiss to her soft lips.

"You are safe with me. Always have been, always will be. And that's my favorite compliment, by the way." I say. Hailee's brows raise in question at that.

"People can be a lot of things to a lot of people. But I've always thought that it took a little extra, a little something special to be a safe presence for someone. It means a lot to me." I explain.

Hailee's expression softens as she looks deeply into my eyes, quiet for a moment before reaching between us and booping the top of my nose with a single finger. "And that, babygirl, is why you're my Mush. You're soft and incredibly strong at the same time."

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