Chapter 35: A Glimpse Of Us

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"No more traveling for at least a month unless we absolutely have to. Deal?" I say to Hailee as we walk through our front door and into our very nice home. Our very nice home in which we seemingly get to spend very little time.

Hailee looks at me and nods her head enthusiastically. "Absolutely. As far as I know, I've got nothing to travel for coming up in the immediate future. If work doesn't call you away, we're here for a while." She confirms. At this moment, that might be one of my favorite things she's ever said.

"If work does call me away though, will you come with me?" I ask her softly, suddenly feeling almost shy at the question.

Hailee's initially surprised expression softens as her eyes lock with mine. "If you want me to, I'm there. Where you go, I go babe. You know that." She says, stepping forward and into my space before resting her hands on my waist.

I smile at both her and the gesture. "Where you stay, I stay. And of course I want you to come with me. I hate being away from you." I say.

Despite having been in the same place physically for the past few weeks, I can't help but feel a divide growing between us.

Yea. And who's fault is that, asshat?

Hailee pulls me out of my thoughts with a kiss before I have the chance to get sucked too deeply into them. I'm thankful for that. Now that we're home, I want nothing more than to get back to being us. That's when an idea hits me. A surprise for Hailee.

"Do we have any plans for tonight?" I ask, seemingly at complete random based on the look on my girlfriend's face. After thinking for a minute, she shakes her head slowly. "I don't think so, unless I'm forgetting something."

I smile widely, step one of my plan falling into place already. Hailee arches a brow at me questioningly. "Wanna have a cozy night in?" I ask.

If she thinks there's more to it than my simple question, she says nothing. "That sounds perfect, Mush. What time do you wanna start on the cozy nothingness?" She asks, glancing over at the clock. "Because it's only 1:30 right now." She adds with a laugh.

"How about 7?" I reply, already thinking a few steps ahead. Hailee nods. "Sounds great. That'll give me plenty of time to shower and tie up a few loose ends I left before we went to Atlanta."

"A shower sounds great right now. Why does flying always make me feel so disgusting? It's not like you do anything but sit there! Yet somehow I always feel absolutely gross afterwards." I say, making Hailee laugh. "Hey I'm serious!"

She nods but continues to laugh at my expense. "I know you are babe. That's one of the things I love about you. Your adorable little penchant for always being perfectly clean. It's cute, don't worry." She explains through her laughter.

I take a step back, pretending to be offended. "Oh sure! Laugh at your girlfriend, waste a perfectly good opportunity to invite me to shower with you." I level at her, only half joking.

At my comment, she stops laughing and eyes me up and down. "Who said anything about wasting that opportunity? You know one of the selling points of this house for me was our shower. Let's go." She says, reaching for my hand.

Operation surprise Hailee is a go. Nothing wrong with a little appetizer.

After taking our time in the shower and the hour after that wrapped up on each other taking a much needed nap, it's time for me to begin preparing for phase 2 of operation surprise Hailee.

"What do you want for dinner tonight?" I ask softly as I stroke her bare back softly. Honestly I'm not entirely sure she's even awake until she hums contentedly before slowly turning her head to look at me. When her bright eyes meet mine, it takes my breath away for a moment.

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