Chapter 34: I Don't Start Shit But I Can Tell You How It Ends

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"Oh my god...remind me again why we have to do this?" Florence grumbles as she rides the elevator down to the lobby with Hailee and I. I glance down at the watch on my's only just past 7 in the morning.

Hailee chuckles softly beside me, since I'm in the middle, she's out of earshot of Florence. Of the three of us on the elevator, she's the most ok with mornings.

"Because Taylor mentioned it at dinner last night and included...said that a morning hike sounded wonderful. Now fast forward twelve hours and here we are." I say, reminding her of how the events from last night unfolded.

What started as Taylor, Fletcher, and I telling Hailee's parents all about growing up here turned into Taylor mentioning how we used to go hiking on Saturday mornings.

"Oh that sounds fun! Is the mountain you guys hiked nearby?" Pete asks curiously. Hailee and I look at each other knowingly. We can tell where this is going.

Taylor nods her head. "It's about 45 minutes from here. And it's not typically very crowded if you go early. Plus it's better to go before it gets miserably hot outside." She says.

Pete and Cheri share a look before turning their attention back to all of us at the table. "Well if any or all of you are up for it, I vote that we have a nice little family hike tomorrow morning!" Pete suggests.

It's hard not to laugh at all our friends eyeing each other. None of us are keen on the idea, but none of us have the heart to decline. Hailee is the first to speak up. "It's been a while since I've exercised outside, I could go for a hike." Griffin follows suit, nodding. I agree as well, along with Taylor. "Sounds wonderful." Flo adds. And finally Fletcher chimes in. "I'm trying to turn myself into 200 pounds of twisted steel and sex appeal before I go up to school, so count me in." He says, making me roll my eyes and shake my head at his antics.

Why is he like this?

And that's how we ended up here, twelve hours later. Thank goodness we decided to come back to the hotel last night instead of going out, although admittedly, Hailee and I didn't exactly go straight to sleep....

"And this is why I'm the best friend that gets drunk with you, not plans a fucking hike!" Florence exclaims. I can't help but laugh at her outburst.

The elevator doors open and we step out, making our way towards the seating area in the lobby while we wait for everyone else to join us. It looks like we're the first ones down for once.

"Oh don't worry, Taylor has gotten us drunk plenty of times." I laugh in response to Flo's comparison. "One time, we got absolutely trashed on a Friday night, drunkenly planned a hike for the next day, went on said hike hungover as shit, got another drink at the outpost restaurant at the top of the mountain, decided to get tattoos when we got back down the mountain, and then proceeded to actually go and get the aforementioned tattoos later on that night." I explain, remembering the day like it was yesterday. I'm telling you, adventures with Taylor are never boring and always memorable.

When I finish recounting the story of that day many summers ago, Hailee and Taylor both look at me with wide eyes. If they didn't know me and Taylor, they'd probably think I was joking. However given the clientele in question, they know that it's true.

"Wait so which tattoo is it?" Florence asks, eyeing every inch of my uncovered skin - which happens to be most of it, given that I opted for a cut-off t-shirt and shorts today.

I laugh before responding. "It's the one on my back, between my shoulder blades. Taylor has the same one on the back of her shoulder." I explain. "That's why part of it is a mountain range, because we planned it while sitting on top of a mountain." I add.

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