Chapter 30: Baby All I Wanna Do Is Coast

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"Oh my god it feels so good to be home!" I exclaim with nothing but relief the second I step foot into our house.

After not only traveling for the last two weeks, I also wasn't home before the traveling either thanks to the revelations about Hailee's previous work trip to New York. In short, it's been a long ass time since I've been here. Since I've felt at home.

Hailee laughs as she walks over to where I'm standing in our kitchen, bags dropped carelessly at my sides. "It is very nice to be home. And even though we're only going to be here for a couple of days, I want to make the most of our time. I feel like I haven't had any time with you." She says as she wraps her arms around me, laying her head on my shoulder.

I wrap my arms her and keep her close, breathing her in. God I've missed this, all of it. "Baby we've been together all week." I say, reminding her that we've been together since she flew out to meet me in London.

"I know. But just because we've been in the same place doesn't necessarily mean we've been able to just be. We've been working and traveling and getting pulled in a million directions. I want to take some time to just exist with you. Being with you has been wonderful, but I haven't stopped missing you. We're always going to be busy. But I think we both need to remember that it's important to take time to just be us." She says. I squeeze her tighter. I really love this woman.

Hailee takes a step back but doesn't quite leave my space. "Is it bad that I really don't even care about going to Miami with Griffin this weekend?" I ask her guiltily. She immediately shakes her head. "Not at all! Honestly I'd rather just stay here at home with you, but he's so excited about it. Both about the event and spending the time with us." She says, sounding as guilty as me.

"We deserve some sort of award for all that we do for everyone around us." I say offhandedly as I bend down to pick up my bags. "Maybe. But let's be real, it's just who we are. I do think we need to save some room for us though." Hailee says, grabbing her own bags to follow me upstairs.

"My bed!" I exclaim as soon as I open the bedroom door. I don't think I've ever been this happy to see the familiar room. As badly as I want to run over to it and collapse onto the cloud of infinite comfort, my pathological need for good hygiene won't let me.

I feel Hailee taking my bags from me, so I turn my attention to her. "Go hop in the shower. I know you want to get into bed, and I also know you won't unless you're clean. I'll deal with our stuff and then I'll join you. You go ahead." She says knowingly.

I can't help but smile widely at her. "This is one of the million reasons why I fell in love with you, you know. How observant you are. You know me well, Miss Steinfeld." I say with an impressed grin. "I'd certainly hope so." Hailee replies with a grin of her own.

I do as I'm told and make my way to the shower. The hot water raining over me feels heavenly. The only thing that could make this feel better is Hailee, who opens the shower door to join me just as soon as the thought passes through my brain. "Hey baby." She whispers when the water begins hitting her skin as she sheds closer to me, pressing a kiss to my bare skin.

Admittedly, it's one of the few times we've ever showered together that didn't end up being sexual. Neither of us mentions anything about it, but we both know that this is just the two of us being present and sharing an intimate moment that we both have been in desperate need of.

I feel every muscle in my body relax as Hailee runs her long fingers through my hair and against my scalp as she works the shampoo through my hair. "Want to know a secret?" She asks suddenly as I tilt my head under the water for her to behind rinsing the soap out.

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