Chapter 27: Concrete Jungle

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"I'd definitely prefer waking up next to you in London and not be in a rush." I say to Hailee with a laugh as I sip my tea while we wait for our car with Lizzie and Robbie in the hotel lobby.

Hailee smiles and nods. "I promise we'll come back soon and we can spend as much leisure time as we can stand." The thought of traveling and seeing the world with Hailee makes me smile.

I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket and pull it out to check. I can't imagine who would be contacting me at this ungodly hour. It's just barely 4 in the morning.

Good morning, darling. I know you're headed back to New York today. Safe travels and have a wonderful time. I'll see you back in LA. Lots of love!

I smile at the sweet message and type a quick response, showing Hailee. I'm done hiding things from her. If I want to get back on track with her completely, then I have to do my part. After reading the messages, she smiles and kisses my cheek.

A couple of minutes later, our car arrives to take us to the airport. With any luck, all of us will be able to sleep on the flight back. As soon as we land in New York, we have to get ready for the premiere. We'll barely have time to breathe, but at least the only thing I have to worry about today is covering the carpet.

By the time we take our seats on the plane, I'm ready to pass out. Lizzie and Robbie are seated in the row in front of us, and I notice Lizzie snuggling against his shoulder with her eye mask already pulled down. I laugh to myself.

"My arm and shoulder are free if you wanna take advantage." Hailee says softly when she notices what I'm laughing about. I smile over at her. I'll definitely be taking advantage of that offer as soon as we take off.

A few minutes later, we're up in the air. As soon as the seatbelt sign turns off, I unclip it from my lap and turn my body so that I can wrap myself around Hailee as much as possible. I lay my head on her chest and wrap my arm around her. I feel her place a kiss against my head and let out a sigh of content. "I love you so much, Mush. Get some sleep." She whispers. "I love you too." I reply before the world goes dark for the next several hours.

I'm startled awake when we hit some rough air causing turbulence. Taking a look around me, it seems like many others suffered the same fate, Lizzie included. "Have a nice nap?" Hailee asks. I raise up off of her and look at her with a small smile. "You're comfy. I like sleeping on you." I admit.

"I'm glad to hear that, considering you sleep with me every night." She says with a warm smile. "Did you get some rest too?" I ask, knowing that she was every bit as tired as me this morning. She nods her head. "I woke up just a few minutes before you."

"The good news is we've only got about 3 more hours. The bad news is I'm pretty sure we missed breakfast." Lizzie says, as she's turned to talk to Hailee and I.

I shrug. "I'm not a big fan of airplane food anyways." Hailee adds. "Oh I'm not either, but I'm going to be starving by the time we land. And I don't have lunch anywhere on my schedule." Lizzie says with disdain. Days like this are the downside of working for Marvel.

"Don't worry, I'll make sure we all eat. You two just worry about doing your thing." Hailee says with a smile while looking between Lizzie and I. "I second that!" Robbie chimes in. Lizzie and I share a knowing smile. We really do have two of the best humans in the world to call our own.

Hailee and I spend the remainder of the flight watching a movie. I'd love to go back to sleep, but I don't want to be groggy when I have to get moving again in New York.

As soon as we step foot off the plane and Hailee's phone becomes active again, it starts blowing up. That probably isn't good. As soon as I take my own off airplane mode, it also starts blowing up. That definitely isn't good. Before I have time to really check anything, it starts ringing.

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